Widest part of leaf Widest part of leaf
Stalk where blade attaches to stem Stalk where blade attaches to stem
Shape of leaf where it attaches to petiole Shape of leaf where it attaches to petiole Triangle Round Heart Straight Uneven
Point where petiole attaches to stem Point where petiole attaches to stem
Regular, deciduous leaves with a wide blade Regular, deciduous leaves with a wide blade
Slender leaves, needles or scales Slender leaves, needles or scales
Pattern which leaves are attached to stem Pattern which leaves are attached to stem Alternate Alternate Opposite Opposite Whorled Whorled
Simple OR Single leaf Simple OR Single leaf Compound OR multiple leaflets Compound OR multiple leaflets
Single Leaf
Having more than one blade Having more than one blade Made of leaflets Made of leaflets
Many small leaves Many small leaves
Made of 3 or more leaflets In the shape of a hand
Leaflets attached to along a central stalk Leaflets attached to along a central stalk
Rounded projection of leaf Rounded projection of leaf
Edge of leaf Edge of leaf Smooth (entire) Smooth (entire) Toothed Toothed Serrate / saw toothed Serrate / saw toothed Double serrate / double saw toothed Double serrate / double saw toothed
Parallel – veins run parallel to each other Parallel – veins run parallel to each other Pinnate – veins run off of a single vein Pinnate – veins run off of a single vein Palmate – veins come from a single point like the palm of your hand Palmate – veins come from a single point like the palm of your hand