Eclipse HX Matrix
ECLIPSE HX MATRIX Pico Matrix Delta Matrix Median Matrix Omega Matrix 1RU with redundancy PSU 36 RJ-45 Ports for panels and interfaces Delta Matrix 3RU with 4 matrix card slots and 3 IMF slots 2 CPU cards and 2 PSU modules fitted as standard for redundancy Median Matrix 6RU with 7 matrix card slots and 8 IMF slots Omega Matrix 6RU with 15 matrix card slots Delta/ Median/ Omega matrices use the same card types All matrices have 8 GPIO fitted as standard All matrices programmed using EHX software
ECLIPSE INTERFACE CARDS MVX-16- Panels, 4-wire & Interfaces 16 RJ-45 Ports with VOX detection on inputs E-MADI- 64 Channels of MADI Configurable as 32/56/64 Channels. Multi-Mode fibre or Co-Ax Connectivity Word Clock, Video Ref or Tri Level Sync E-Que- Wireless and E1/T1 Trunking Antenna connections for FreeSpeak wireless system E1 or T1 for trunking / directs E-Fib- Fibre Linking with Ring Redundancy 2 LC Connector Rings per card Two Fibre Cards Supported
ECLIPSE INTERFACE CARDS IVC-32- IP Connectivity IP Panels IP trunking / Directs IP redundancy LMC-64 Metering card Up to 64 virtual meters when used with PM PRO software
ECLIPSE INTERFACE CARDS FOR-22 Dual chnl 4wire with Relay for Radio systems TEL-14 Dual telephone hybrid with auto-null CCI-22 Dual chnl 2/4wire interface to Analogue Partlyine AES-6 Connects V-series panels using AES digital audio + data RLY-6 6x relay GPO card GPI-6 6x relay GPI card All interface cards can fit into IMF frames