ARECC Level I1 Welcome to ARECC Level I
2 Basic Communication Skills Isn’t this just the same as any QSO? NO! You’re dealing with Life & Death Any message may have consequences Messages must be quick, reliable, & ACCURATE
ARECC Level I3 Basic Communication Skills The single most important skill LISTENING
ARECC Level I4 Basic Communication Skills Talking into a Microphone –Hold it close & talk across it –Use a normal, clear voice –Keep a normal pace, slow if necessary –Pronounce carefully –Choose a good mike –VOX not usually a good idea –Be careful of repeater delays
ARECC Level I5 Basic Communication Skills Brevity & Clarity –No extraneous information –No extra words –Crisp, clear messages –No chit chat –Say EXACTLY what you mean, be precise –One subject at a time
ARECC Level I6 Basic Communication Skills Plain Language –No jargon or specialized terminology –No codes or signals Q codes 10 codes –Pro-words are OK Standardized ways of saying things –Clarity is the objective, no matter WHO you’re talking to
ARECC Level I7 Basic Communication Skills Phonetics –Some words are just hard to understand –You can ask for a repeat, but sometimes you just have to spell it –Keep to STANDARD phonetics … don’t be cute Unusual or ‘cute’ phonetics can be misunderstood
ARECC Level I8 Phonetics A - alfa (AL - fa) B - bravo (BRAH - voh) C - charlie (CHAR - lee D - delta (DELL - tah) E - echo (ECK - oh) F - foxtrot (FOKS - trot) G - golf (GOLF) H - hotel (HOH - tell) I - india (IN - dee - ah) J - juliet (JU - lee - ett) K - kilo (KEY - loh) L - lima (LEE - mah) M - mike (MIKE) N - november (no - VEM - ber) O - oscar (OSS - cah) P - papa (PAH - PAH) Q - quebec (kay - BECK) R - romeo (ROW - me - oh) S - sierra (SEE - air - uh) T - tango (TANG - go) U - uniform (YOU - ni - form) V - victor (VIK - tor) W - whiskey (WISS - key) X - xray (ECKS - ray) Y - yankee (YANG - key) Z - zulu (ZOO - loo)
ARECC Level I9 Phonetics numbers One - (Wun) Two - (TOOO) Three - (THUH - ree) Four - (FOH - wer) Five - (FY - ive) Six - (Sicks) Seven - (SEV - vin) Eight - (Ate) Nine - (NINE - er) Zero - (ZEE - row)
ARECC Level I10 Basic Communication Skills Tactical Call Signs –Can ID the station’s purpose, location, etc. –Should be used for all emergency nets of more than a few people –Don’t need your call sign to CALL a station Station Identification – STILL REQUIRED per the rules!
ARECC Level I11 Basic Communication Skills What to avoid: – Thinking aloud on the air – On-air arguments or criticism – Rambling – Shouting – Cute phonetics – Identifying every time you key up – Codes or special signals – Speaking without planning – Talking just to talk
ARECC Level I12 Emergency Nets What is an Emergency Net? Formats –Directed or Formal Nets –Open or Informal Nets Modes
ARECC Level I13 Emergency Nets Types of Emergency Nets –Traffic Nets –Tactical Nets –Resource Nets –Information Nets
ARECC Level I14 Emergency Nets Checking into a Net –LISTEN FIRST Understand the net –Directed Nets will usually call for checkins –Should you ‘Break in’? Passing Messages Checking Out Getting some practice … NTS
ARECC Level I15 Message Handling Formal vs. Informal Messages –Why bother with FORMAL messages? –Should we ever use INFORMAL messages? Message Formats –ARRL Format –Other Formats
ARECC Level I16 Message Handling Basic Message Components –Preamble –Address –Text or Body –Signature
ARECC Level I17 Message Handling The Message Preamble – Message Number – Precedence (Routine, Welfare, Priority, EMERGENCY) – Handling Instructions – Station of Origin – Check (the number of words in the body) – Place of Origin – Time Filed – Date
ARECC Level I18 Message Handling Pro-words BREAK - Separates address from text and text from signature. CORRECTION - I am going to correct an error. END - End of message MORE - Additional messages to follow. NO MORE - No additional messages. FIGURES - Used before a word group consisting of all numerals. INITIAL - Used to indicate a single letter will follow. I SAY AGAIN - Used to indicate a repeat of a word or phrase will follow. I SPELL - I am going to spell a word phonetically.
ARECC Level I19 More Pro-words LETTER GROUP - Several letters together in a group will follow. i.e., ARES, MARS MIXED GROUP - Letters and numbers combined in a group will follow. XRAY - Used to indicate end of sentence, as with a period. QUERY - Used to indicate the end of a question. CORRECT - Correct or yes AFFIRMATIVE - Yes NEGATIVE - No THIS IS - Used preceding identification of your station. GO AHEAD - Invitation for specific station to transmit. ROGER - Message understood; transmission received correctly and in full.
ARECC Level I20 Message Handling
ARECC Level I21 ARRL HX--Handling Instructions HX - Handling instructions, single letter to follow - optional part of preamble. HXA - (Followed by a number) Collect telephone deliver authorized within # miles. HXB - (Followed by a number) Cancel message if not delivered within # hours of filing time; notify originating station. HXC - Report date and time of delivery to originating station. HXD - Report the identity of the station who delivered the message, with date, time and method of delivery to originating state. Each station reports identity of relay station with data and time. HXE - Delivering station to get and send reply from addressee. HXF - (Followed by a date in numbers) Hold delivery until (specified date). HXG - Delivery by mail or telephone - toll call not required. If toll or other expense involved, cancel message, and notify originating station.
ARECC Level I22 Pro-words used for fills WORD AFTER - Say again word after... ALL AFTER - Say again all after... BETWEEN - Say again between... and...
ARECC Level I23 Message Handling Time Savers –Don’t add unnecessary words –Speak evenly and clearly –Write out the message before passing it –Have paper ready to write with Basic Rules –Don’t speculate –Pass as written
ARECC Level I25 Message Handling Logging & Record Keeping –What should be in the log? –Who should do the logging? –Log formats Writing the Message –5 words per line works! Message forms
ARECC Level I26 Message Handling Who writes the message? Should you edit the message? Use your judgment!
ARECC Level I27 Message Handling Security & Privacy –How secure is amateur radio? –Who is allowed to see the message? –Who MIGHT see the message? –Minimizing change of casual listening Digital modes Uncommon frequencies
ARECC Level I28 Net Guidelines The Net Manager The NCS Net Scripts Backup NCS Liaison Stations Relay Stations Dealing with Interference
ARECC Level I29 Questions?
ARECC Level I30 There has been an earthquake along the Coast Range. Many parts of the northern Willamette Valley are without electrical power. Roads are not safe to drive and several bridges have collapsed. Injured residents are arriving at the hospital. Cell phones are not working. Telephones work intermittently and are not dependable The best form of communications is via radio. You are the communications person assigned to the temporary medic unit located in the parking lot outside Tuality Hospital. One of the medics, Jay Van Dyke, stops by your post and asks you to order supplies. He says they need large bandages, extra bottled water, three cots, and a dozen blankets. You are to send this request to Bonnie Hanks in the store room at Tuality. Her phone number is (503)