SPIDERS Life-cycle of the Spider Parts of a Spider Differences between Spiders & Insects
Spiders Are Not Insects! Spiders are Arachnids!
Life-Cycle of a SPIDER 1. Spider laying eggs 2. The egg sac 3. The spiderlings 4. The adult spider Point to the pictures in order of the Life-cycle of the spider.
Remember the Number 8 ! Spiders have 8 legs. Most spiders have 8 eyes (2 rows of 4 eyes). o o o o Spiders have 2 body parts. 8 The top of the number 8 represents the cephalothorax or head. The bottom of the number 8 represents the abdomen or body.
Identify Parts of a Spider A. Legs B. Pedipalps (sensory feelers) C. Chelicerae (jaws) D. Eyes E. Cephalothorax (head) F. Abdomen (body) G. Spinnerets
Spiders Come In Many Sizes & Colors
Spiders are characterized by: 1. Two body parts 2. Eight legs 3. Chelicerae or fangs 4. No wings 5. No antennae Insects are characterized by: 1. Three body parts 2. Six legs 3. Mandibles or jaws 4. Wings 5. Antennae Differences Between Spiders (Arachnids) & Insects
External Spider Anatomy (Answers to: External spider anatomy worksheet)
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