Diana Cantalupo Technology Summer II
James and the Giant Peach is book written by Roald Dahl. His imaginative characters and plots make this an enjoyable book for young children. His book James and the Giant Peach has fantasy weaved into a plot that many young children can relate to. Through read aloud, children will become exposed to a text that is rich in vocabulary. The book lends itself well to interdisciplinary lessons across many subject areas such as literacy, social studies, science, art and technology. Children will be required to use both literal and analytical thinking skills while listening to the book. Children will be using their researching skills to learn more about the insects in the book. In addition, the students will be using the integration of technology throughout the unit.
Students will be able to: o Make predictions about a text before, during and after reading o Make inferences and draw conclusions about characters, settings and events o Analyze various media tools and technologies and apply them.
o Class 3-316’s Wiki page o o Class 3-316’s Blogger Page o
Lesson Three How can we analyze the idioms used in the book James and the Giant Peach? Lesson Two How can we make inferences about the main characters in the book James and the Giant Peach using character traits? Lesson One How can we make predictions about the book James and the Giant Peach before we begin reading?
Students will be asked to make predictions about the text before reading it. They will be asked to post their predictions on the blog page. Link to lesson # 1 Link to TeacherTube Video Link to Class Blog
Students will be asked to make inferences about the main characters in the story based on their actions and dialogue. They will then complete the form on the wiki page to post their inferences. Link to lesson # 2 Link to making inferences form
Students will be asked to analyze idioms that are found throughout the book. They will then post their analysis of the idiom on the blogger page. Link to lesson # 3 Link to Class Blog
Link to idioms Link to vocaulary for each chapter Additional Activities James and the Giant Peach Webquest