Creativity and Education Sir. Kenneth Robinson
“The more I think outside of the box the more I realize God is anywhere but in it”. Nicholas Cialini
I. Introduction A.Education and its unpredictability: II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: 1.6 year old in a drawing lesson 2.My son Andrew: 3.A school was doing the Nativity. 4.Point: If your not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original. B. Educating People out of Creativity
“Everyone is born an artist, the problem is to remain an artist when we grow up.” Pablo Picasso
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. 1.Hierarchy of subjects. 2.Hierarchy in the Arts 3.Conclusion: We educate from the waste up and conclude with the head
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. E. The History of Education 1.Industrialization 2.The Hierarchy of subjects were based on two ideas. I.the studies most beneficial for work II.Academic Ability
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. E. The History of Education F. Intelligence 1.Its Diverse
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. E. The History of Education F. Intelligence 1.Its Diverse 2.Its Dynamic
“Creativity is the process of producing original ideas that are of value”. Sir. Kenneth Robinson
Nerve center connecting the two hemispheres of the brain. Greater in women than men.
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. E. The History of Education F. Intelligence 1.Its Diverse 2.Its Dynamic 3.Its Distinct
Jillian Lynn Choreographer
I.Introduction II. Creativity and the Education of our Kids A.Stories: B.Educating People out of Creativity D. Educational Systems around the World. E. The History of Education F. Intelligence G.Hope for the future
“If all the insects were to disappear from the earth within 50 years all life on earth would end. If all people were to disappear from the earth, all forms of life would flourish”. Jonah Sulk