Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The Academy at the Fairhope Airport will have an Open House for potential students and their parents. The Open House will be held on Tuesday, April 21 from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. This event will focus on providing information about the opportunities for all Baldwin County Board of Education students through the dual enrollment programs offered at the Academy. If you are interested in being a part of the Academy, plan to attend this Open House.
This is a reminder to the 9 to 5 Cast that there will be an important meeting today immediately after school.
Attention all AP Freshmen and Sophomores: Have you gotten your permission slip for the beach and Hangout field trip? The trip is Friday, April 24 and the cost is $25 which includes lunch and travel. Field trip forms can be picked up from Mrs. Goodwin or outside Mrs. Lores’ office. The deadline to submit permission forms is April 17.
The Foley High School Yearbook Staff is still taking staff applications for the school year. If you like to take pictures, enjoy writing, or like graphic design and have not signed up to take this class, see Mrs. Styron in Room 803 to get your application. The applications are due April 17.
There will be an Interact meeting today after school in Mrs. Feely’s room 919. There will be an Easter and Spring Break celebration—make plans to attend!
Attention NHS members: If you didn't get a chance to order one of the amazing coral-colored NHS t- shirts that look great on everyone, stop by Mrs. Dossett's room 921. She has EXTRAS in every size! Short sleeve shirts are $15. Long sleeve are $20. Double X's are $1 more each. Get yours just in time for spring break!
Seniors: Mrs. K. has extra senior shirts. The white long sleeve shirt is $15 and the navy short sleeve is $10; or you can buy one of each for $20 – stop by room 207 and get your senior shirts today.
Seniors, are you interested in spotlighting your senior year? Do you have special memories you want included in the yearbook? The yearbook staff has a few ad spaces left for Senior Spotlights. See Mrs. Styron in room 803 to purchase your ad.