Platypus Jess Hillegas
What it looks like 0 The platypus is a mix of a duck, beaver, and otter. 0 It has a ducks webbed feet and bill 0 It has an otters body shape and fur 0 And the tail of a beaver + + =
Where is it found? 0 Eastern Australia 0 Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.
Where is it found; cont. 0 Freshwater rivers or lakes 0 Burrows for shelter and protection
How Does it Get Food? 0 The platypus searches underwater 0 Can stay underwater 1-2 minutes 0 Eats insects, larvae, shellfish, and worms 0 Has folds of skin over eyes and ears to protect from water 0 Can eat their own body weight in 24 hours
Physical Features 0 Platypus does not have teeth 0 They walk very awkwardly on land 0 Webbed feet retract so they can run 0 Have sharp claws 0 Males have poisonous stingers in back feet
Stingers 0 Only the males have this protection 0 when “stung” the venom can cause severe pain to humans 0 the venom can lower blood pressure or increase blood flow around the sting 0 is not lethal to most animals
Reproduction 0 Use nails to burrow in ground by water 0 Female lays 1-2 eggs in the burrow 0 Then holds eggs between body and tail to keep incubated 0 Egg is about the size of a lima bean 0 Hatch in about 10 days 0 Mother nurses 3-4 months until babies can swim
When are they active? 0 During the day, a Platypus spends most of its time resting in this burrow or basking in the sun and grooming its fur 0 But they are most active after dusk and before dawn 0 Sleep 17 hours a day
Predators 0 Hawks, eagles, owls, crocodiles, water-rats, pythons, goannas, foxes, dogs, and cats, dingoes, and even eels Goanna EagleEagle Crocodile
Egg Laying Mammals 0 Only the platypus and one other mammal lay eggs 0 Echidna; aka spiny anteaters 0 Live in New Guinea and Australia
Platypus 0 It is like Australia’s mascot 0 It is on the back of Australia’s 20 cent coin 0 The platypus is the animal emblem of New South Wales
Size 0 Length of head and body: about 15 in 0 Tail: about 5 in. 0 Weight: about 3 lbs. 0 Size compared to a 6 foot man;
Life span 0 Can live up to about 18 years in captivity 0 In natural habitat; years for males years for females.
Sound 0 Rarely make noises 0 Can make high pitched squeal 0 Only does this when feels threatened
History 0 Scientific name: Ornithorhynchus anatinus 0 Archeologists found ancient platypus remains in the Patagonian region of South America
Platypus 0 First evolved 112 million years ago 0 Humans used to trap platypus for their skin 0 In 1912 a law passed so not allowed 0 Now population is healthy
Fast Facts 0 Baby platypus is called a puggle 0 Scientists are trying to breed more platypus to have a second generation 0 Their fur is dark brown on top and tan underneath
Sources 0 eaturefeature/platypus/ eaturefeature/platypus/ mmals/platypus/ mmals/platypus/ 0