CS 10K Project: Transforming HS Computing Education (Status Report) Owen Astrachan, Duke Jan Cuny, NSF Dan Garcia, Berkeley Larry Snyder, UW February 6, 2011
We have a problem in computing Low student interest (may be improving) Dismal engagement of minorities, women and persons with disabilities Negligible presence in K-12
High school is the key
The state of HS CS Since 2005, introductory secondary school computer science courses have decreased in number by 17%, AP CS courses by 33% [CSTA] 2/3 of states have few computer science standards for HS [Running on Empty] Widespread confusion about technology education, literacy and fluency, and IT & CS as academic subjects Math or Science? Few states count CS in graduation requirements
Why does it matter? Without the HS piece, anything we do for middle school will be lost. Without the HS piece, anything we do at the college level will be insufficient.
CS 10K Develop an effective new high school computing curriculum and get it taught in 10,000 schools by 10,000 well-prepared teachers by 2015.
Why focus on AP? Often the only CS course that carries college prep credit Attractive to students & schools 2,000 CB-audited teachers Single point of national leverage Fidelity of replication
(Proposed) AP CS Principles Engaging, accessible, inspiring, rigorous Focused on the fundamental concepts of computing (CT) A target for K through 9 course development and an impetus for college curriculum reform Available nationwide
Outline Owen: AP CS Principles Design Larry: UW Pilot Dan: Berkeley Pilot Larry: Attestation Campaign Jan: What’s Left
What’s left?
New High School Curriculum AP-Centered Model Introductory course for everyone Proposed AP CS Principles AP CS Programming Other models CTE courses 4 th year math courses Dual credit ECS Team at LAUSD
CS 10K Develop an effective new high school computing curriculum and get it taught in 10,000 schools by 10,000 well-prepared teachers by Getting it taught, and taught well
CS 10K Project: After curriculum Course materials, Assessments Teacher Preparation and Support Entrée into schools
Teacher Preparation Significant in-service training ▫Content? Pedagogy? Delivery? Train-the-trainers? Pre-service courses and programs ▫Traditional & alternative certification Ongoing PD and support ▫Short workshops, Face-to-face & Online ▫Mentoring and Master Teachers ▫Online communities of practice How does it scale?
Entrée into Schools: Advocacy STEM? Graduation requirements Where does it fit in student schedules? Standards? Case study: Statistics?
What’s Happening? Lots of volunteers to pilot CS Principles LAUSD BPC & MSP awards Lots of teacher requests for PD Funded several projects to scale teacher PD BPC Alliances: GA & MA, NCWIT Fledgling state efforts: CA Lots of interest in CE21 from universities & school district partners SIGCSE letter of support Rumblings: Dept of Ed, NICE, DoD
It may be coming together, but we still need Change state and local credentialing and crediting for CS Change at the university level Create a Public/Private partnership Raise $100-$200M Ideas? Comments? Suggestions?