Capacitive Circuits Topics Covered in Chapter : Sine-Wave V C Lags i C by 90 o 18-2: X C and R in Series 18-3: Impedance Z Triangle 18-4: RC Phase-Shifter Circuit 18-5: X C and R in Parallel Chapter 18 © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Topics Covered in Chapter 18 18-6: RF and AF Coupling Capacitors 18-7: Capacitive Voltage Dividers 18-8: The General Case of Capacitive Current i C McGraw-Hill© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
18-1: Sine-Wave V C Lags i C by 90 o For any sine wave of applied voltage, the capacitor’s charge and discharge current i c will lead v c by 90°. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-1: Capacitive current i c leads v c by 90°. (a) Circuit with sine wave V A across C. (b) Waveshapes of i c 90° ahead of v c. (c) Phasor diagram of i c leading the horizontal reference v c by a counterclockwise angle of 90°. (d) Phasor diagram with i c as the reference phasor to show v c lagging i c by an angle of −90°.
18-1: Sine-Wave V C Lags i C by 90 o The value of i c is zero when V A is at its maximum value. At its high and low peaks, the voltage has a static value before changing direction. When V is not changing and C is not charging or discharging, the current is zero. i c is maximum when v c is zero because at this point the voltage is changing most rapidly.
18-1: Sine-Wave V C Lags i C by 90 o i c and v c are 90° out of phase because the maximum value of one corresponds to the zero value of the other. The 90° phase angle results because i c depends on the rate of change of v c. i c has the phase of dv/dt, not the phase of v. The 90° phase between v c and i c is true in any sine wave ac circuit. For any X C, its current and voltage are 90° out of phase.
18-1: Sine-Wave V C Lags i C by 90 o The frequency of v c and i c are always the same. The leading phase angle only addresses the voltage across the capacitor. The current is still the same in all parts of a series circuit. In a parallel circuit, the voltage across the generator and capacitor are always the same, but both are 90° out of phase with i c.
18-2: X C and R in Series When a capacitor and a resistor are connected in series, the current is limited by both X C and R. Each series component has its own series voltage drop equal to IR for the resistance and IX C for the capacitive reactance. For any circuit combining X C and R in series, the following points are true: 1. The current is labeled I rather than I C, because I flows through all the series components.
18-2: X C and R in Series 2. The voltage across X C, labeled V C, can be considered an IX C voltage drop, just as we use V R for an IR voltage drop. 3. The current I through X C must lead V C by 90°, because this is the phase angle between the voltage and current for a capacitor. 4. The current I through R and its IR voltage drop are in phase. There is no reactance to sine-wave alternating current in any resistance. Therefore, I and IR have a phase angle of 0°.
18-2: X C and R in Series Phase Comparisons For a circuit combining series resistance and reactance, the following points are true: 1. The voltage V C is 90° out of phase with I. 2. V R and I are in phase. 3. If I is used as the reference, V C is 90° out of phase with V R. V C lags V R by 90° just as voltage V C lags the current I by 90°.
18-2: X C and R in Series Combining V R and V C ; the Phasor Voltage Triangle When voltage wave V R is combined with voltage wave V C the result is the voltage wave of the applied voltage V T. Out-of-phase waveforms may be added quickly by using their phasors. Add the tail of one phasor to the arrowhead of another and use the angle to show their relative phase. V R 2 + V C 2 V T =
18-2: X C and R in Series Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-3: Addition of two voltages 90° out of phase. (a) Phasors for V C and V R are 90° out of phase. (b) Resultant of the two phasors is the hypotenuse of the right triangle for V T.
18-2: X C and R in Series VRVR VCVC VTVT Voltage Phasors R XCXC ZTZT Impedance Phasor Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Phasor Voltage Triangle for Series RC Circuits
18-2: X C and R in Series Waveforms and Phasors for a Series RC Circuit Note: Since current is constant in a series circuit, the current waveforms and current phasors are shown in the reference positions. VRVR I I I VCVC Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle R and X C may be added using a triangle model as was shown with voltage. Adding phasors X C and R results in their total opposition in ohms, called impedance, using symbol Z T. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-4: Addition of R and X C 90° out of phase in a series RC circuit to find the total impedance Z T.
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle Z takes into account the 90° phase relationship between R and X C. R 2 + X C 2 Z T = Phase Angle with Series X C and R The angle between the applied voltage V T and the series current I is the phase angle of the circuit. The phase angle may be calculated from the impedance triangle of a series RC circuit by the formula tan Θ Z = − XCXC R
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle The Impedance of a Series RC Circuit The impedance is the total opposition to current flow. It’s the phasor sum of resistance and reactance in a series circuit I = 2 A V T = 100 R = 30 X C = 40 = 2 A Z VTVT I = = R XCXC Z = 50 W R 2 + X C 2 =Z = Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle The Tangent Function Θ opposite adjacent negative angle Θ opposite adjacent positive angle Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle The Phase Angle of a Series RC Circuit I = 2 A V T = 100 R = 30 X C = 40 30 40 50 = −53° = Tan −1 R XCXC Θ = Tan −1 V T lags I by 53° I VCVC VTVT −53°
18-3: Impedance Z Triangle Source Voltage and Current Phasors Note: The source voltage lags the current by an amount proportional to the ratio of capacitive reactance to resistance. I VTVT Θ < 0 I VTVT X C < R Θ = −45 I VTVT X C = R Θ < − 45 I VTVT X C > R Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-4: RC Phase-Shifter Circuit The RC phase-shift circuit is used to provide a voltage of variable phase to set the conduction time of semiconductors in power control circuits. Output can be taken across R or C depending on desired phase shift with respect to V IN. V R leads V T by an amount depending on the values of X C and R. V C lags V T by an amount depending on the values of X C and R.
18-4: RC Phase-Shifter Circuit Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-5: An RC phase-shifter circuit. (a) Schematic diagram. (b) Phasor triangle with IR, or V R, as the horizontal reference. V R leads V T by 46.7° with R set at 50 kΩ. (c) Phasors shown with V T as the horizontal reference.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel 18-5: X C and R in Parallel The sine-wave ac charge and discharge currents for a capacitor lead the capacitor voltage by 90°. The sine-wave ac voltage across a resistor is always in phase with its current. The total sine-wave ac current for a parallel RC circuit always leads the applied voltage by an angle between 0° and 90°.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Phasor Current Triangle The resistive branch current I R is used as the reference phasor since V A and I R are in phase. The capacitive branch current I C is drawn upward at an angle of +90° since I C leads V A and thus I R by 90°. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-7: Phasor triangle of capacitive and resistive branch currents 90° out of phase in a parallel circuit to find the resultant I T.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Phasor Current Triangle (Continued) The sum of the I R and I C phasors is indicated by the phasor for I T, which connects the tail of the I R phasor to the tip of the I C phasor. The I T phasor is the hypotenuse of the right triangle. The phase angle between I T and I R represent the phase angle of the circuit. I R 2 + I C 2 I T =
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Impedance of X C and R in Parallel To calculate the total or equivalent impedance of X C and R in parallel, calculate total line current I T and divide into applied voltage V A : Z EQ = VAVA ITIT
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Impedance in a Parallel RC Circuit V A = 120 R = 30 X C = 40 I T = 5 A 4 A 3 A5 A = 24 ΩZ EQ = ITIT VAVA Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Phase Angle in Parallel Circuits Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig Tan Θ I = ICIC IRIR Use the Tangent form to find Θ from the current triangle. Tan Θ I = 10/10 = 1 Θ I = Tan 1 Θ I = 45°
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Parallel Combinations of X C and R The series voltage drops V R and V C have individual values that are 90° out of phase. They are added by phasors to equal the applied voltage V T. The negative phase angle −Θ Z is between V T and the common series current I. The parallel branch currents I R and I C have individual values that are 90° out of phase. They are added by phasors to equal I T, the main-line current. The positive phase angle Θ I is between the line current I T and the common parallel voltage V A.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Series circuit impedance (Z T ) in Ohms, Ω Voltage lags current. Becomes more resistive with increasing f. Becomes more capacitive with decreasing f. Parallel circuit impedance (Z EQ ) in Ohms, Ω Voltage lags current. Becomes more resistive with decreasing f. Becomes more capacitive with increasing f. Parallel Combinations of X C and R Resistance (R) in Ohms, Ω Voltage in phase with current. Capacitive Reactance (X C ) in Ohms, Ω Voltage lags current by 90°.
18-5: X C and R in Parallel Summary of Formulas Series RCParallel RC X C = 1 2 π f C X C = 1 2 π f C V T =V R 2 + V C 2 I T =I R 2 + I C 2 R 2 + X C 2 Z T = Z EQ = VAVA ITIT tan Θ = − XCXC R tan Θ = ICIC IRIR
18-6: RF and AF Coupling Capacitors C C is used in the application of a coupling capacitor. The C C ’s low reactance allows developing practically all the ac signal voltage across R. Very little of the ac voltage is across C C. The dividing line for C C to be a coupling capacitor at a specific frequency can be taken as X C one- tenth or less of the series R.
18-7: Capacitive Voltage Dividers When capacitors are connected in series across a voltage source, the series capacitors serve as a voltage divider. Each capacitor has part of the applied voltage. The sum of all the series voltage drops equals the source voltage. The amount of voltage across each capacitor is inversely proportional to its capacitance.
18-7: Capacitive Voltage Dividers Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. Fig. 18-9: Series capacitors divide V T inversely proportional to each C. The smaller C has more V. (a) An ac divider with more X C for the smaller C.
18-7: Capacitive Voltage Dividers Fig. 18-9: Series capacitors divide V T inversely proportional to each C. The smaller C has more V. (b) A dc divider. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
18-8: The General Case of Capacitive Current i C The capacitive charge and discharge current i c is always equal to C(dv/dt). A sine wave of voltage variations for v c produces a cosine wave of current i. Note that v c and i c have the same waveform, but they are 90° out of phase.
18-8: The General Case of Capacitive Current i C X C is generally used for calculations in sine-wave circuits. Since X C is 1/(2πfC), the factors that determine the amount of charge and discharge current are included in f and C. With a nonsinusoidal waveform for voltage v c, the concept of reactance cannot be used. (Reactance X C applies only to sine waves).