USER INTERFACE MAIN FUNCTION: Log In/Log Out Description: Three (3) kinds of users of the software: Project Team (Project Leader with their members) Accounting Staff Other Employees
USER INTERFACE For Project Team (Project Leader with their members) Given the username and the password Identity code is part of the username for the user’s position Identity code will also determine the functionalities of the software that they can access Example of username (for Project Leader): PL****** Functionality that they can access: VIEW PROJECT
USER INTERFACE For Accounting Staff Make their own account on the software Identity code is part of the user name Identity code will determine the functionalities they can do to the software. Example of username (for Accounting Staff): AS***** Functionalities that they can access: ADD PROJECT, VIEW PROJECT, EDIT PROJECT, SEND PROJECT TO ARCHIVE
USER INTERFACE Other Employees (e.g. Public Affairs Personnel) Make their own accounts in the system Identity code will be provided to identify Identity code will again determine the functionality they can do to the system Example of username (for Other Employees): OE****** Functionality that they can access: VIEW ALL PROJECT
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES ADD PROJECT ONLY accounting staff are entitled with this functionality.
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES ADD PROJECT The following are the information found on the PROJECT PROFILE: Project Code Project Title Project Leader Project Type Implementing Unit (optional) College (optional) Funding Agency Start Date Date Extended End Date Project Cost
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES ADD PROJECT On the PROJECT PROFILE, there will be a link that will direct the user to a page that will how them the FINANCIAL REPORT of that specific project.
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES EDIT PROJECT ONLY the accounting staff/the person assigned for the maintenance of the system can have an option of editing the information on the project profile.
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES VIEW PROJECT All types of users can view the information included on the project profile.
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES VIEW PROJECT Some restrictions: Project Team (Project Leader with their members) Can ONLY view the project profiles, with the financial report, that they are involved in Accounting Staff Can view the project profile and financial reports of ALL ongoing projects Other Employees Can view the project profile of ALL projects
MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES SEND PROJECT TO ARCHIVE Instead of the function DELETE, it will be replaced by this function This archive will contain projects that have already ended This will be of help if the information about the project is still needed
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