Slide David Britton, University of Glasgow IET, Oct 09 1 Prof. David Britton GridPP Project leader University of Glasgow PPAP Community Meeting Imperial, 24 th Sep 2015 GridPP
Slide Outline The aim of this meeting is to review the experimental and theoretical particle physics projects currently being pursued by our UK community and to discuss possible future directions. GridPP: The context. The GridPP5 proposal. What we do and how we plan to evolve. Looking to the future. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 2
Slide The Grid David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 3 Higgs Discovery 2012 The Grid is an essential, though preferably invisible, part of the infrastructure that enabled the Higgs discovery. It has delivered on-time, over-spec, and within budget
Slide GridPP is ~10% of WLCG 18 sites; 45K CPU; 32 PB Disk; 14 PB Tape GridPP in 2015 David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 4 WLCG: 170+ sites in 42 countries 515K CPU; 290PB Disk;150PB Tape CPU Delivered during GridPP % 10% 9%
Slide LHC and More David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 5 9% of Tier-2 CPU and 4% of Tier-1 CPU was delivered to 32 non-LHC VOs between Jan 2012 and Dec 2014 See Pete Clarke’s talk tomorrow. Past Future
Slide GridPP5 Proposal: Process GridPP5 proposal originally submitted in early 2014 to the PPRP where it was effectively tensioned against the upgrades. Proved impossible to fund both out of the envelope provided. GridPP4 was given a 1-year extension to March 2016 and a new GridPP5 proposal requested in early 2015 to go to the PPGP. This time, tensioning was against the consolidated grants. GridPP5 proposal addressing 3 scenarios: – Flat Cash (i.e. 10% reduction) – 90% FC (i.e 19% reduction) – 70% FC (i.e 37% reduction) A special review committee provided the PPGP with advice on the funding GridPP required and provided a report to STFC Science Board. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 6
Slide GridPP5: Brief David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 7 Tier-1 and Tier-2 operations User support; Integration with experiments; and shape the future. Adapt to changes. Support LHC and non-LHC physics. Increased importance of ecosystem. Development and innovation necessary!
Slide Strategic Objectives David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 8 1.To meet STFC's MoU commitment to CERN and the WLCG by ensuring that GridPP is able to handle the challenge of higher data rates and volumes of LHC Run-2. 2.To prepare GridPP for the 2020 start of LHC Run-3 by exploiting developments in IT technology and by influencing and contributing to WLCG's future technical direction and development. 3.To reduce the cost to STFC of operation of GridPP by developing cost-sharing collaborations and by evolving the infrastructure to reduce the operational cost.
Slide Our Summary to the Review Panel With Flat Cash we can meet our strategic objectives… continuing to deliver appropriate resources and excellent service to the LHC experiment and the broader community. In addition we can play a leading role in developing the UK/EU-T0 agenda with the ultimate goal of creating a more general and sustainable infrastructure. With 90% of Flat Cash, we can mainly meet our strategic goals… but we will not have resources to lead the development of the UK e-infrastructure. With 70% of Flat Cash, we will not meet our strategic goals, except in the sense that we reduce the cost of GridPP. We will not deliver the resources or service level expected by the WLCG MoU. We will reduce the capability of the RAL Tier-1 to respond to requirements from other collaborations. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 9
Slide Feedback from Science Board David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 10 Recommend that the 90% of Flat Cash scenario be funded but with various specific reductions/normalisations.
Slide Service Decomposition In order to develop and present the various GridPP5 scenarios we looked closely at how GridPP effort contributes. In particular, we noted that: The majority of GridPP effort is not is not used to run hardware. GridPP staff effort does not write experiment software. In fact, GriddPP’s value is the support and provision of a service layer that lays between the hardware and the software. After the submission of the GridPP5 proposal, WLCG also examined the effort required worldwide and we were able to use some of this information in GridPP5 review process. David Britton, University of Glasgow GridPP5 Review 11 AiBM
Slide EGI Services David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 12 Services required by WLCG that are provided via the EGI project. The UK leads two of these, co-leads a third, and makes contributions to two more. UK provides 14% of effort: 7.3% funded by GridPP; 1.3% by other UK sources; and 5.3% directly by EGI. UK certainly does not contribute more than a fair share: We host 17% of EGI resources (denominator does not include US WLCG resources).
Slide David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 13 WLCG services not provided via EGI: The UK contributes to 13 services and co-leads two. Most WLCG partners contribute to most of these shared international tasks. WLCG Services GridPP funds 9.7% of the effort required to deliver the WLCG service infrastructure; an additional 1.6% is provided by the Tier-2s (leverage). Contribution consistent with size of UK (we provide ~12% of LHC resources)
Slide David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 14 UK Services: These are services that every country needs to perform for the benefit of their own infrastructure. These 14 tasks that are core business for GridPP. Some of these services do (and increasingly can) benefit other UK infrastructures. The effort corresponds to 9.5 FTE funded from GridPP, complemented by 0.51 FTE funded from other UK sources. UK Services
Slide Tier-1 Plan WLCG Site Survey suggested that the manpower at RAL is already lower than comparable sites. The plan is to reduce this by 10% at the start of GridPP5 and by a further 15% after the first two years. We plan to achieve this by making things easier to run and broadening the user-base to share costs. We need to invest effort now into both these areas in order to benefit in the future. This is an ambitious plan. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 15
Slide Tier-2 Plan David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 16 The Tier-2 infrastructure needs to balance the advantages of leverage, local support and engagement, redundancy, and the use of distributed bandwidth, with the economies of scale that may arise from less fragmentation of resources. We have pointed out that much of GridPP effort delivers a service, rather than runs hardware, so the required effort does not scale linearly with the number of sites. Nevertheless, we must reduce manpower and we have a plan that reduces the effort at Tier-2 sites by 28% over GridPP5. The plan is to evolve to 5 major Tier-2 sites and up to 6 smaller Tier-2 sites that can be run with minimal effort. We hope sites with no GridPP funded effort will still be engaged. This is an ambitious plan.
Slide Tier-2 Evolution Fully convert sites to Virtual Machine operation with VM definitions supplied and maintained by the experiments. Minimise need for sites to operate job execution grid middleware or tune batch systems. Make use of Cloud infrastructures that might exist using GridPP-developed Vcycle to manage VMs. Alternatively, use GridPP-developed Vac system to manage VMs on dedicated resources. Ease burden of managing storage by making use of technologies like xrootd and WebDAV that help remove the dependence on any specific copy of the data. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 17 GridPP has now set up an Evolution Taskforce to develop detailed plans on how we propose to achieve this. Contacts are Andrew McNab and David Colling.
Slide WLCG Survey: Tier-2s The WLCG site-survey received responses from 85 WLCG Tier-2 sites and showed that the UK Tier-2 sites were run with about half the average effort. We concluded that the GridPP Tier-2 infrastructure is extremely cost- effective and that the GridPP5 proposal presents an ambitious plan to take a lead in further reducing the effort required to run WLCG Tier-2 infrastructure. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 18
Slide Looking Forwards Over the next four years we need to: –Deliver the steadily increasing MoU commitments of resources at the Tier-1 and Tier-2s. –Maintain and improve the services we provide. –Contribute to, and in places lead, the evolution of the WLCG infrastructure. –Reduce the effort required to run our infrastructure. (WG) –Take a significant role in developing/promoting UK-T0. –Engage and support new user groups. –Engage with other e-infrastructures in the UK. –Engage with European initiatives such as EGI, EU-T0, HNSciCloud. –Respond appropriately to the RCUK Impact agenda. –Prepare for the period after GridPP5 (very different? GridPP?) David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 19
Slide Last Words Significant evolution required throughout GridPP5. We have to run hard to stand still. Increased emphasis on engaging with new groups, particularly STFC-funded. Increased emphasis on linked infrastructures, nationally and internationally. Reality check required – after 8 years of flat cash and now less, GridPP can not do significantly more with significantly less. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 20
Slide Back up Slides David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 21
Slide Hardware Statement GridPP anticipates that some sites with with no GridPP-funded effort would still be interested in running GridPP-funded hardware during GridPP5. In principle, we feel that this offers potential benefits in terms of leverage of additional resources, engagement with local groups, and opportunities to develop additional synergies with other computing infrastructures. However, these potential advantages must be balanced against the potential effort required by both GridPP and, in particular, by the global experiment computing infrastructure (such as the ATLAS ADC), to keep these sites functioning at the required level of service. Particularly with new technologies, GridPP believes that this will be feasible and see the provision of hardware at non-staffed sites as a good opportunity to access additional hardware when it available, as well as engaging with the wider community. However, GridPP will need to discuss with the experiments the appropriate level of capacity hardware that might be located outside of the dedicated centers and will need monitoring/processes in place to protect the experiment infrastructures from additional work and maintain the UK reputation. David Britton, University of Glasgow PPAP 22
Slide Leverage David Britton, University of Glasgow GridPP Review 23 Capital costs primarily reflect contributions in the form of dedicated machine rooms. Hardware is estimated by looking at Tier-2 resources reported in the Grid Accounting system, compared to the resources GridPP has funded. Electricity has been estimated from the total resources reported. Manpower is that reported in the GridPP quarterly reports, which is not funded by GridPP.
Slide Tier1/2 Functional Services David Britton, University of Glasgow GridPP5 Review 24