Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)


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Presentation transcript:

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) Orientation Workshop 30th Sept and 1st Oct, 2015 by Y S Dwivedi, Dir(RC)

Mission of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Launched on 25th December 2000 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme to provide road connectivity in rural areas of the country. Programme envisages connecting all eligible unconnected habitations with a population of 500 persons (as per 2001 census) and above in plain areas, 250 persons and above in Special Category States (States of the North-East, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand), the Tribal (Schedule V) areas, the Desert (as identified in the Desert Development Programme) areas and in the 88 selected Tribal and Backward Districts in 9 States under Integrated Action Plan (IAP), Up-gradation of selected rural roads to provide full farm to market connectivity is also an objective of the scheme, though not central to it.

PMGSY - SALIENT FEATURES Project Implementation by the States/UTs: SRRDA at State level and PIUs at district level. NRRDA at National Level for technical support to MoRD Maintenance budgeted by the States Inbuilt post construction 5-year maintenance Three tier Quality Monitoring Mechanism at District level (PIU), State level (SQMs) and National Level (NQMs) Comprehensive MIS (OMMAS)

PMGSY-II - Features Union Cabinet approved PMGSY-II on 1st May, 2013. Aims at consolidation of rural road network, through upgradation of ‘Through Routes’ and ‘Major Link Routes’. Guidelines published and posted on the website. All States/ UTs are eligible to Participate in PMGSY- II once they substantially complete PMGSY works. DRRP is the basis of PMGSY – II and not Core Network. Centre- State Sharing: 75:25 [ Special Areas- 90:10] 12th Five Year Plan period target - 50,000 Km length under PMGSY-II. 7 States - Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and Uttar Pradesh - sanctioned 11,234.04 Km road length under PMGSY-II.

Key Features of PMGSY Decentralized Planning: District Rural Roads Plans (DRRPs) developed for all the districts of the country Core Network drawn out of the DRRP to provide for at least a single connectivity to every target habitation. For prioritization of the annual project proposals, the Comprehensive New Connectivity Priority List (CNCPL) and Comprehensive Upgradation Priority Lists (CUPL) are used. The CNCPL and CUPL have been developed from the Core Network data.

Key Features of PMGSY Standards and Specifications: Large scale revision of Rural Roads Manual, IRC SP: 20 by IRC Dedicated Book of Specifications for Rural Roads developed by IRC. A Standard Data Book to enable the States to prepare Schedules of Rates based on specifications developed by IRC. Specifications form the part of the contract agreement and the Schedule of Rates developed by States on the basis of prescribed Standard Data Book

Key Features of PMGSY Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) and Scrutiny: Proper survey and adequate investigations are insisted. Detailed Project Report (DPR) is a pre-requisite for project clearance. Independent scrutiny of the project proposals to ensure the adequacy of designing and project preparation carried out by over 50 prominent institutions of Engineering and Technology in the country, identified as State Technical Agencies (STAs).

Key Features of PMGSY Institutional Arrangements and HRD: National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) has been constituted to provide technical and managerial support. At the State level, State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) have been constituted to implement the programme. At District level, Programme Implementation Units (PIUs) have been set up for implementing the programme. Reputed Technical Institutions have been identified as Principal Technical Agencies (PTAs) and State Technical Agencies to provide support to the programme in matters of project scrutiny, training and R&D. Central Roads Research Institute, Indian Roads Congress and other premier institutions have also joined hands to provide support on matters relating to standards, technology and other relevant aspects.   Adequate provisions for providing large scale training - to managers and engineers , skilled workmen, roller drivers and machine operators. Dedicated and specialized institutions with clear responsibility at every level have provided focused attention to the programme implementation.

Key Features of PMGSY Procurement Process: Standard Bidding Document (SBD) based on best national and international practices has been developed for procurement All the works under the programme are tendered on the basis of the Standard Bidding Document.

Overall Physical Targets and Achievements of PMGSY (up to June, 2015) New connectivity to eligible Unconnected habitations Total eligible habitations as in year 2000 Nos. of Habitations for which Projects sanctioned Nos. of eligible habitations connected Balance yet to be connected out of total eligible 1,78,184 1,45,012 (81.38%) 1,10,933 (62.25% of eligible) 67,251 (37.74% of eligible) Length sanctioned- 3,61,174 kms Length completed- 2,83,194 kms (78.39%) Upgradation of Rural Roads under PMGSY-I (length in km) Total Target length Length sanctioned Length completed Balance yet to be completed 2,24,906 1,86,527 1,62,807 (72.38%) 62,099 (27.61%) Upgradation of Rural Roads under PMGSY-II (length in km) Balance yet to be completed out of target 50,000 11,234 2,198 47,802 (95.60%) Total length completed- 4,46,001 kms, Total length sanctioned- 5,46,626 kms

Financial Progress- Overall (since inception up to June, 2015) Projects cleared including State Share (excluding dropped) (Rs. in Crore) Funds released to the States by Ministry ( Rs. in Crore) Expenditure reported by States including State Share 1,83,714.03 1,24,029 1,33,012

Quality Assurance: First tier In-house quality control at Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) level. Objective of this tier is process control through mandatory tests on material at field laboratory and workmanship. A Quality Assurance Handbook have been developed and provided to field functionaries in view of better understanding of quality control requirement, equipment and testing procedures, management systems The concept of stage passing to ensure clear accountability. Establishment of field laboratory

Quality Assurance: Second tier Independent quality monitoring at State level Regular inspection of works has been envisaged for ensuring better quality. Every works is inspected at three stages, i.e. initial stage, middle stage and final stage of construction. Technical Guidelines have been prescribed to the States. An online system of entry of observations of independent monitors along with photographs of the inspected roads has been developed. Orientation Programme aimed at providing practical training of the above initiative to Chief Engineers, State Quality Coordinators (SQC) and selected State Quality Monitors (SQMs) were also organized.

Quality Assurance: Third-tier -Independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) Independent National Quality Monitors (NQMs) are deployed by NRRDA for inspection of road works at random The National Quality Monitors are senior Engineers retired from the State Governments or Government of India Organizations Guidelines for NQM inspections have been made objective Guidelines for photographic recording of inspections by NQM have also been prescribed. Orientation programmes are organized for NQMs An independent Selection Committee for the empanelment as new NQMs. Performance evaluation of the existing NQMs is also carried out by independent Performance Evaluation Committee

Maintenance: All PMGSY roads are covered by 5-year maintenance contracts, with the Standard Bidding Document. Maintenance funds to service the contract is to be budgeted by the State Government and placed at the disposal of the SRRDA in a separate Maintenance Account. on expiry of 5-year post-construction maintenance are to be placed under Zonal maintenance contracts consisting of 5-year maintenance including renewal as per cycle. Till such time as District Panchayats take over maintenance functions, the PIUs will continue to be responsible for administration of post-construction and zonal maintenance contracts of PMGSY roads.

Current source of funds Cess on High Speed Diesel (HSD) (Rs. 0.75 / litre) Budgetary Support ADB funding World Bank funding NABARD Loan

Bharat Nirman Government of India had identified ‘Rural Roads’ as one of the six components of ‘Bharat Nirman’ Goal to provide connectivity to all eligible unconnected habitations with a population of 1,000 persons and above (as per 2001 census) in plain areas and 500 persons and above in the case of hilly or Tribal areas - Schedule V) with an All-weather road.

ON-LINE MANAGEMENT, MONITORING AND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (OMMAS) Main Application Software Modules include Rural Road Plan & Core Network, Proposals, Tendering & Contracting, Execution (Physical and Financial Progress), Quality Monitoring, Funds Flow and Receipt & Payment Accounts (work accounts). web site is The website has a menu bar where “Feedback” appears prominently.

Citizen information boards Citizen Information Boards and Work Information Boards are displayed in local language at prominent locations in the benefited habitations indicating details of work and volume of materials used in each layer of the pavement.

Role of Hon’ble Members of Parliament The Core Network and District Rural Roads Plan are to be finalized by the District Panchayat after consultation with Hon’ble Members of Parliament. The Annual Plan proposals are to be finalized in consultation with Hon’ble Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) in respect of their Constituencies and Hon’ble Members of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) in respect of the District for which they are Vice Chairman of VMC. Without this certificate no proposals for approval of new projects, from State Governments to be entertained by the Ministry. The SE, PMGSY and Hon’ble Members of Parliament to conduct joint inspection of PMGSY road works once in 6 months. Foundation stone and inauguration of PMGSY roads to be done necessarily by Hon’ble MP (Lok Sabha)

e-Procurement of works under PMGSY April 1, 2009, all PMGSY works shall be procured through e-Tendering.

“Meri Sadak” – a Mobile Application for Citizens Feedback System for PMGSY Roads Launched on 20th July, 2015 by Hon’ble Minister (RD) for Citizens Feedback System for PMGSY Roads. Mobile application for citizens to enable them to submit their feedback related to slow pace, abandoned works, poor quality of work and for other categories of any PMGSY roads.

Check-list for Visiting Officers S. No. Item Description Action to done by visiting officer Remarks 1 Posting of District Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) To check if PIU for PMGSY works at the district level, generally an Executive Engineer, is posted or not.   2 Status of on-going works Obtain the list of on-going works alongwith its progress and bottle-necks if any from PIU 3 Status of completed roads under 5-year maintenance period Obtain the list of completed roads which are under 5-year maintenance period alongwith total maintenance commitment amount and maintenance expenditure made till date from PIU. 4 Citizen Information Board Check if Citizen Information Boards and Work Information Boards are displayed in local language at start of road indicating details of work and volume of materials used in each layer of the pavement.

Action to done by visiting officer Completed road S. No. Item Description Action to done by visiting officer Remarks 5 Riding quality of road Check riding quality of road by running the vehicle at 40 km/hr. Ride should be comfortable for good road.   6 Surface condition of road Check if potholes, cracks, erosion, depression are visible. 7 Proper width of shoulders The shoulder width should be at least 1.8 mt for 3.75 mt wide road and 1.5 mt for 3.00 mt wide road 8 Condition of shoulder Check if the shoulders are free of vegetation and suitable for pedestrian to walk. 9 Camber in road surface Check if cross slope (camber) is provided for flow of water to the sides. There should be no stagnation of water on the road.

Completed road (contd…) S. No. Item Description Action to done by visiting officer Remark 10 Road signage Check if the Traffic signage especially near habitations and school zones, sharp curves, narrow bridges, junctions, submersible bridges and causeways are placed. Hazard markers like reflectorized delineators are provided at dangerous locations.   11 Repair to rain cuts on shoulders Check if the rain cuts on shoulders are repaired 12 Maintenance of cross drainage works (Culverts) Check if the culverts/Hume pipes etc are cleaned for free flow of rain water

Completed road (contd…) S. No. Item Description Action to done by visiting officer Remarks 13 Tree plantation along roads Check if Tree plantation in convergence with MGNREGA or other schemes has been done along the completed PMGSY roads   14 Improvement in transportation services Ask the villagers if there is improvement in transportation services to the targeted habitation. 15 Socio-economic impact by provision of all weather connectivity Ask the villagers if there is any benefit of the road.

Action to done by visiting officer Ongoing works S. No. Item Description Action to done by visiting officer Remark 16 Field laboratory by the contractor Check if Field laboratory has been established by the contractor at site and check if the material testing register is maintained.   17 Contractor's engineer Check if the Engineer has been employed by contractor or not. 18 Quality control registers Check if the quality control registers are maintained at site or not. 19 Inspections by State Quality Monitors (SQM) Check the records that if the inspections have been conducted by SQMs or not. (Every works is inspected at three stages, i.e. initial stage, middle stage and final stage of construction) 20 Any other observation

Thank You 29