Jeopardy A B C D E Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question from A Define primary consumer.
$100 Answer from A A consumer that eats producers (plants)
$200 Question from A Define secondary consumer
$200 Answer from A A consumer that eats other consumers
$300 Question from A Define tertiary consumer
$300 Answer from A A consumer that eats other consumers & is at the top of the food chain.
$400 Question from A Define producer
$400 Answer from A An organism that makes its own food by the process of photosynthesis. Plants
$500 Question from A As you go up in a food pyramid, you get energy.
$500 Answer from A Less
$100 Question from B Which animal is the primary consumer? Why?
$100 Answer from B The small fish because they’re the first organisms to eat the producer.
$200 Question from B Which animal is a secondary consumer? Why?
$200 Answer from B The medium fish because they eat the organism that has already eaten the producer.
$300 Question from B Why does there have to be more producers than consumers?
$300 Answer from B Because the consumers would eat too many producers & begin to die off.
$400 Question from B What happens to the energy level as you move from Diatoms (producers) towards Sharks?
$400 Answer from B There is less energy because each organism uses some of the energy before that organism gets eaten.
$500 Question from B Why aren’t there more than a few organisms in a food web?
$500 Answer from B Because there wouldn’t be enough energy.
$100 Question from C What is photosynthesis?
$100 Answer from C The process where plants use water and carbon dioxide to make food (sugar and oxygen).
$200 Question from C Give an example of predator/prey. Explain.
$200 Answer from C A bear (predator) hunting salmon (prey). A lion (predator) hunting a zebra (prey).
$300 Question from C Give an example of population. Explain.
$300 Answer from C All the salmon living in a given area.
$400 Question from C Give an example of community. Explain.
$400 Answer from C All the species of animals living in a given area.
$500 Question from C Define ecosystem
$500 Answer from C All the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things in an ecosystem.
$100 Question from D What is a habitat? Give an example.
$100 Answer from D The place where an organism lives. A bear’s cave.
$200 Question from D Can a habitat be biotic, abiotic or either? Explain.
$200 Answer from D Either Biotic: on skin, in blood, in a tree, etc. Abiotic: in a cave, under a rock, in the ground, etc.
$300 Question from D Define adaptation.
$300 Answer from D Something an organisms has or does that helps it survive. (grab things, eat, stay warm, swing, etc.)
$400 Question from D Can an animal be both a predator AND prey? Explain.
$400 Answer from D Yes. A snake can be hunting mice while being hunted by a hawk.
$500 Question from D Explain how a food web works.
$500 Answer from D It’s a web of what eats what. It includes consumers and producers. Multiple food chains.
$100 Question from E What 2 basic types of seasons exist in the world?
$100 Answer from E -Four seasons (winter, spring, summer & fall) -Wet/Dry season (rains a lot, then very dry)
$200 Question from E Looking at a temperature graph, how can you tell if a city is in the southern hemisphere?
$200 Answer from E In the southern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed.
$300 Question from E What are three things that affect climate?
$300 Answer from E 1.Distance from the equator 2.Proximity to the ocean 3.Altitude (elevation) 4.Topography (landscape) 5.Winds
$400 Question from E Select an animal and describe an adaptation it has to its environment and how it helps it survive.
$400 Answer from E Example: bears can eat hundreds of pounds of fish to store up fat reserves to survive hibernation in the winter. Eagles have great eye sight to find birds.
$500 Question from E Give an example of a niche.
$500 Answer from E Termites eating dead wood so the forest can regrow. Lions controlling predator populations.