By Owen O
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: First Word Chapter 2: Never Says Please Chapter 3: Room Chapter 4: Favorite Show Chapter 5: Always Asks To Play Chapter 6: School
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION I have a little brother named Quinn who sometimes is not respectful to others. What do you think I should do to make my little brother more respectful? I think my family should just not listen to Quinn when he is not respectful, which would teach him a lesson. Guess what his first word was? NO! It was so funny! Quinn never sleeps in his room. He always sleeps in my room because my room is red, and he wants his room red too. Every night he sleeps with his a stuffed animal, which he calls “Lovey.” His favorite show is Busytown Mysteries. He is 4 years old and will be 5 in November. He goes to “Miss Susie’s,” which is his daycare. Every day he asks to play with one of his friends when he comes home.
CHAPTER 2: FIRST WORD My little brother’s first word was NO! It was so funny! He was about 1 years old when he said it and we were all laughing. He also does a lot of funny stuff like singing songs with Busytown Mysteries. He sometimes toots in the bathroom and says “Mom did you hear that?” That is the one of the funniest things I ever heard. Quinn and I run on the couch when my dog Buster chases us.
CHAPTER 3: NEVER SAYS PLEASE My little brother never says “please,” especially when he asks my mom to get him grape juice or a snack. When we ignore him or tell him to use the “magic word” then he says it. When he says “please” we give it to him, but he has to say one more thing afterwards, which is “Thank you.” By our family doing these things, Quinn is learning to be polite. He will need to use his manners even when he’s an adult.
CHAPTER 4: ROOM My brother never sleeps in his room. He always sleeps in my room. He does not want to sleep in his room because he wants his room to be the color red like mine. My dad worked really hard on his room by painting it a special blue, but he refuses to sleep in it. Maybe my dad will paint it red one day.
CHAPTER 5: ALWAYS ASKS TO PLAY The first thing Quinn does when he gets home from daycare is ask to play with one of his friends. My mom sometimes says “yes.” If she does he usually plays with his friend who lives across the street because he needs to be home by like 7:00PM. His best friend is named Emmy. Emmy is the sister of my best friend, Ethan.
CHAPTER 6: SCHOOL My brother Quinn is in daycare, which also is his preschool. School starts at like 9AM for him. The teacher is named Susie and she is really good. She does a lot of fun stuff with the kids. They make a project every day and she even names the projects that they are making. They make really cool stuff and at the end of the day they bring the project home, and I get to look at it.
GLOSSARY Daycare – A place where kids stay while their parents are at work. Granola Bar – A nutritious snack that you eat. Bedroom - A place to sleep. Friend - Someone who you confide in and always play with. Busytown Mysteries – A cartoon based on the Busytown books.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Owen loves all sports, but his favorite sport and expertise is Basketball. He practices a lot so he can get better and his goal is making the NBA. Owen lives in Troy, Michigan. He goes to Birmingham Covington School. Owen has 2 brothers, a little brother and a big brother. The big brother is 11 years old he will turn 12 in October. Owen’s little brother is 4 years old and he will turn 5 in November. Owen has a dog named Buster who turned 1 in April, which is really 7 years old in human years.
CREDITS Google Images O’Neill Family Photos