There Are Lights By The Shore 1-4 There are lights by the shore of that country, Where my bark amid perils I steer; And they ever grow brighter and brighter, As that glorious haven I near. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. There are lights by the shore of that country, Where my bark amid perils I steer; And they ever grow brighter and brighter, As that glorious haven I near. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. Words by Josephine Pollard / Music by E. Robert
There Are Lights By The Shore 1-2 There are lights by the shore as we journey, As we float down the river of time, All the days of our pilgrimage brighten With a radiance truly sublime. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. There are lights by the shore as we journey, As we float down the river of time, All the days of our pilgrimage brighten With a radiance truly sublime. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him.
There Are Lights By The Shore 1-3 O, they tell of a hope that will cheer us In the midst of our sorrows and cares, When the lamp on our vessel burns dimly, And we watch for the glimmer of theirs. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. O, they tell of a hope that will cheer us In the midst of our sorrows and cares, When the lamp on our vessel burns dimly, And we watch for the glimmer of theirs. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him.
There Are Lights By The Shore 1-4 Then forget not your light, keep it shining: O, Christian, be earnest and true; For a soul on life’s ocean may perish– May sink in the waves but for you. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. Then forget not your light, keep it shining: O, Christian, be earnest and true; For a soul on life’s ocean may perish– May sink in the waves but for you. O, the lights along the shore That never grow dim, Never, never grow dim. Are the souls that are aflame With the love of Jesus’ name, And they guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him.