Lulzsec’s Sony ownage 報告者:劉旭哲. Sony finally partially restored the PlayStation Network in mid-May in the US and Europe – Japan and Asian countries 於五月底部分修復.


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Presentation transcript:

Lulzsec’s Sony ownage 報告者:劉旭哲

Sony finally partially restored the PlayStation Network in mid-May in the US and Europe – Japan and Asian countries 於五月底部分修復 Anonymous has formally denied claims that it was behind the attack. – It did acknowledge, though, that some of its members may have acted independently to attack Sony's servers. – Lulzsec is one of them

Lulzsec – Fake news on PBS WikiSecrets thousands of PBS passwords have reportedly been published online – Now focus Sony beginning of the end – Sownage(sony ownage) 5/31 you know we're making off with a bunch of your internal stuff right now and you haven't even noticed? Slow and steady, guys

6/2, they said : – Broke into 比利時與荷蘭 SQL injection – Got over 1,000,000 users' personal information, including passwords, addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, and all Sony opt-in data associated with their accounts. plaintext – 75,000 'music codes' and 3.5 million 'music coupons – didn't have the resources to copy all the information found, but is posting "samples" to prove their authenticity.

The group said on Twitter that it will accept contributions in the form of BitCoin virtual currency that will be used to help it do more hacking But Sony uses industry standards for security. – If that's true, then perhaps it is time to re-evaluate and even go beyond such standards

6/6 LulzSec released : – 54MB of source code from the Sony Computer Entertainment Developer Network – Internal network maps of Sony BMG torrent (life) – Free (died) – Or… ask me…o.0

IP OS 用途 儲存空間 Of couse, Sony said… THIS IS NOT REAL…

Conclusion Anonymous 往往成為背黑鍋的罪魁禍首 – 僅 DDoS – 不保證其成員參與其他竊取資料之攻擊 Lulzsec 比起 Anonymous 更加具有侵略性 Attacks on Sony, others show it's open hacking season

Reference -leaks-source-code-of-sony.html -leaks-source-code-of-sony.html 245/hackers-taunt-sony-with-more-data-leaks- hacks/?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security 245/hackers-taunt-sony-with-more-data-leaks- hacks/?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=News-Security nage.html&usg=ALkJrhicesgXfZLxloRH8pmlnBBy W3KqCg nage.html&usg=ALkJrhicesgXfZLxloRH8pmlnBBy W3KqCg