For more information: , ext. 233 Using LIRICO, the Library’s Web Catalogue How to effectively use OPL’s Web Catalogue June 2002
Agenda OPL’s Web catalogue Accessing the catalogue Searching the catalogue Reserving books Accessing your library card Renewing books Books on request Fines
OPL’s Web catalogue Only available on computers, not dumb terminals ( Available at home through internet Has holdings for all 33 branches In-house available from our web page or catalogue stations
LIRICO from OPL Web Page Click on “English” Click on “Lirico Catalogue” Choose library branch whose locations you want to see highlighted Choose your search strategy
Lirico Catalogue from Computers Labeled Catalogue Move mouse to activate screen Click on down arrow beside “Choose a Branch” or “Choose a Bookmobile Stop” Click on the locations whose holdings you want to see first. Wait for the catalogue to start
Searching Keyword search Default search Can choose to search for keyword in title, author, subject, general keyword, series, video, DVD, books on tape, song title on CD, large print or serial title Type in keyword(s). Search engine assumes an implied and. Limit search by treating words as a phrase (under Match Options), limiting by date, format, language or location May use truncation with *
Searching cont. Browse Search Alphabetical or numerical list showing where your entry is or would be if it was there Default is title but can browse lists of authors, subjects, series, video and DVD titles, books on tape and CD titles, music CD and song titles, computer file titles, serial titles, call numbers and ISBN or ISSNs You do not have to put in the full title but whatever you do put in has to be exactly as it is entered in the library record Because it is merely list cannot use same limits available in Keyword and Advanced Search
Searching cont. Advanced Search Helps you construct a Boolean search (i.e. search using words and, or, and not as connectors) You can choose which dates to search as well as limit by format, language, and location Results can be sorted by most recent books first or most matches of keywords first.
Search results First screen is a list of possible items that suit your search criteria (Lirico displays 15 titles at a time. To see more click on the words “next 15” at top or bottom of list) When doing a subject browse search you will see a list of subjects with the number of titles attached to each. To find more information on any of the titles listed click on the underlined title You will get a detailed description of the record as well as the holdings at OPL locations.
Search Results cont. With your detailed information you will also get a list of subject headings and authors which will be in blue and underlined. Clicking on a subject heading or author will bring you the same results you would get from a “Browse Search” The holdings you see will start off with the location you chose when you signed on to the catalogue followed by the two or three locations geographically closest to your location and then the rest of the locations in alphabetical order.
Search Results cont. When your search is run as long as you get less than 1000 hits you will see in green and underlines the words “Jump to search options” Will allow you to sort your results by most matches, author, publication date, format and title Will also allow you an opportunity to limit your results You can choose to limit to a variety of responses by holding down the ctrl key and clipping more than one option.
Reserving/Requesting Books Find the detailed information for the item you want to request Click on the button “Submit a Request” Change the location for pickup if you don’t want to pick it up at the branch you chose to begin with Input all 14 digits of your library card number as well as your PIN number usually last four digits of phone number Click on button labeled “Submit Request”
Reserving/Requesting Books cont. You will get message saying “Your request has been successfully placed. Note your place in the queue Click on button “Return to searching”
Accessing Your Library Card Used to check which items you’ve borrowed and the due dates Used to renew items Used to check on status of requests Used to cancel requests Used to check on fines owing Click on words “Check My Card” in blue in top right hand corner
Accessing Your Library Card cont. Fill in the barcode from your library card and your PIN no. (last 4 digits of phone number) and click on “Login” button. Do not click on bar below your personal information unless the information is incorrect. Choose a function from those in blue in the top right hand corner or in blue and underlined under the green line at the bottom of the page
Renewing Books Click on the words “Items Out” in blue in top right hand corner You will see a list of all the items out on your card as well as their due dates Click on the little box to the left of the title if you want to renew (you will see a checkmark in the box) Then click on the button labeled “Renew Selected” Beside each title instead of the little box you will see the statement Renewed OK or Item is not renewable
Books on Request/Reserve Access your library card according to previous instruction and click on the word “Requests” in blue. If you have items waiting for you you will see at top of the page “Holds ready for pickup” and then a number. Underneath will be listed the titles that are waiting, where they are being held and until when the item will be held.
Books on Request/Reserve cont. Below that will be your requests waiting to be filled, your place on the waiting list, the status of your request and the expiry date of request if not filled (standard one year). To delete a request click on the box beside the title you would like to cancel. (a checkmark will appear) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button “Cancel Selected” You will get message “Selected Requests are being deleted”
Other Information Access your library card according to previous instruction and click on the words “Blocks/Fines” in blue. You will be told whether you were phoned for a request, whether you owe the library any money and other information about library transactions (eg. If you cancelled a request or didn’t pick up a hold) Remember to click on the words “Log Out” when you are finished looking at the items linked to your library card.