Lebanon Support Primary Results 2007 Website: Phone: +961 (70) Wednesday, November 20 th 2007 Focus on Nahr el Bared Camp
General Overview Families that has been allowed access to the New Camp counts up to 1200 Families that are residing in Nahr el Bared counts up to 500 Families Families are either located in Collective Centers (created by UNRWA or the Returnees) or in homes Streets are made out of dirt or gravel No operational sewage system Electricity covers only the UNRWA collective centers Public Health status is risky Houses and collective centers leaking water big number of houses where returnees are staying are not suitable for living Access to the camp is granted through the Lebanese Army 90% of the Population have hardship in Mobility
Location of Returnees
Nahr el Bared Needs Assessment Sample Size: 104 Families Locations: Homes, Collective Centers in Nahr el Bared New Camp Number of Persons: 676 Average Family Size: 6.5 Women: 51% Men: 49% Children under 1: 3%
Assessed Families Income Status 69 families (66%) reported no income. The average income per person based on the total number of families who have been interviewed is $0.62 per day. The average income per person based on the families who have declared having at least one source of income is $1.9 per day.
Looting 55.7% from Interviewed Families reported their house being looted
Assessed Families Shelter Conditions Very Bad Shelter Conditions are found in the Petrol Line Houses and the UNRWA Collective Centers ( Al Sayyed Buildings, Behind Al Rabih and Mouhamara Entrance) Crowdedness was reported by 27% of families, including 100% of respondents resident in Kaaki buildings.
Reception of Services
Sufficiency of relief services 64% of families consider that food provision (Food Parcels) is not sufficient (mainly in Sayyed and Kaaki buildings, and Jenin Street). [Note that 71% of families whose family size is greater than 6 members are in shortage of food, while 53% of Families whose family size is less than 6 are in shortage of food; this means that there is lack in food provision and lack in custom sized kits for families whose size is greater than 6]. 54% of the respondents said that water was not sufficient: Sayyed buildings, Kaaki buildings, Behind A-Rabih showroom (B16, B17, B32, B47, C159), Mohammara entrance, UNRWA (A18). 65% said that water distribution is consistent, compared to 33% percent who said it was inconsistent. The main locations of inconsistent water supplies are: Sayyed buildings and Kaaki buildings. 37% recommended that they receive money instead of food disbursements, and they will provide for their own food.
Needs Chart Nahr el Bared - November 2007
Conclusions Shelter and Wintering: Heating, Resolving issues of over-crowdedness, and General Shelter Conditions Financial Support: Related to high percentage of reported lost personal assets, the low income level, and a high unemployment rate; more than 60% of families reported having no source of income Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Water provision is a two sided problem. First, in terms of provision and consistency, many reported insufficiency in comparison with needs. It is also related to the method of water distribution that are still based on water tanks placed in the streets, which will be hard to reach during winter. As for hygiene, the results show a shortage in provision, since the provision has stayed on the same rate from the time of displacement towards the time of return, where generally hygiene is much more needed in the return phase. Autonomy in Diet Selection: Kitchen Kits and Cooking Gas have been reported to be valuable needs to obtain minimum sustainability in the phase of return and especially during winter. Food Provision (Consistency and Sufficiency): As mentioned before, Food Provision has two main problems: the gap in food provision and the lack in custom sized kits for families whose size is greater than 6. Medical Services: Generally, there is good provision of medical services, but the need here is more related to the general situation of the returnees and the camp. There is a specific need for a public health plan and actions to safeguard the livelihood conditions.