Integrating 'Macroethics' and 'Microethics' for Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Karin Ellison, Joseph Herkert, Heather Canary, Jameson Wetmore
'Macroethics' and 'Microethics' for Science and Engineering Graduate Students NSF/EESE # Develop integrated learning objectives for graduate studentsDevelop integrated learning objectives for graduate students Apply learning objectives in four educational modelsApply learning objectives in four educational models Assess student learningAssess student learning Share knowledge and materialsShare knowledge and materials
Project Team Joseph Herkert, PI Heather Canary, Co-PI Karin Ellison, Co-PI Jameson Wetmore, Co-PI JoAnn Williams Ira Bennett Brad Allenby Jonathan Posner Joan McGregor Dave Guston Consultants: Deborah Johnson Rachelle Hollander Nick Steneck Advisory Council: Kristen Kulinowski Dean Nieusma Sarah Pfatteicher Karl Stephan
Coordination Workshop Consultants presented background of grad education in science and engineering ethicsConsultants presented background of grad education in science and engineering ethics Description of four modelsDescription of four models Discussion groups on issues and outcomesDiscussion groups on issues and outcomes Discussion groups on pedagogyDiscussion groups on pedagogy Discussion of assessment modelsDiscussion of assessment models
Examples of Microethical issues Identify students’ own interests and valuesIdentify students’ own interests and values Professional norms, e.g. objectivity, transparency, accuracy, and efficiencyProfessional norms, e.g. objectivity, transparency, accuracy, and efficiency Realistic understanding of behaviorsRealistic understanding of behaviors Challenges of reward structuresChallenges of reward structures
Examples of Macroethical Issues Role of sociotechnical systems in our daily livesRole of sociotechnical systems in our daily lives Overlapping contexts of research – institution, profession, economy, societyOverlapping contexts of research – institution, profession, economy, society Ways to envision possible social implications of researchWays to envision possible social implications of research Ability to identify values and stakeholder interestsAbility to identify values and stakeholder interests How different career paths lead to different implications and outcomesHow different career paths lead to different implications and outcomes
Four Educational Models Stand alone courseStand alone course Technical course with embedded ethics contentTechnical course with embedded ethics content Online/Classroom hybridOnline/Classroom hybrid Lab group engagementLab group engagement
Science Policy for Scientists and Engineers Stand alone courseStand alone course One credit courseOne credit course Meets CHM 501 requirementMeets CHM 501 requirement Taught every semesterTaught every semester Topic and focus change each semesterTopic and focus change each semester Called “science policy for scientists and engineers” to enhance the macroethical content and avoid student and advisor biases toward the E(thics) wordCalled “science policy for scientists and engineers” to enhance the macroethical content and avoid student and advisor biases toward the E(thics) word Students choose half of the readings to ensure that we cover timely topics of interest to themStudents choose half of the readings to ensure that we cover timely topics of interest to them
Fundamentals of Biological Design Micro- and macroethical content is included in a required technical course for scientists and engineersMicro- and macroethical content is included in a required technical course for scientists and engineers Ethics is placed in context with other professional knowledge and skillsEthics is placed in context with other professional knowledge and skills Model takes advantage of learning opportunities as they ariseModel takes advantage of learning opportunities as they arise
Lab Group Engagement Goal: To create a place where expertise from various fields can be exchanged, discussed, debated, and shared; will create an environment where both ethicists and scientists learn more about the ethics of emerging technologies. Three Research Questions: 1.Can ethicists gain access to information in laboratories about future technologies that are not readily available in other places? 2.Will this method provide an opportunity to help scientists and engineers understand the ethical and social implications of their work? 3.Will this method empower those who shape the direction of innovation to be more reflective on the social implications of their work?
Bio 591: Introduction to Research Ethics Classroom/Online HybridClassroom/Online Hybrid One-credit courseOne-credit course Required for some life science graduate studentsRequired for some life science graduate students Taught every semesterTaught every semester Students prepare using online materialsStudents prepare using online materials –CITI Program RCR modules –SERCEB, “The Dual-Use Dilemma in Biological Research.” –NIH, "Protecting Human Research Participants." Classroom sessions focus on case analysis and discussionClassroom sessions focus on case analysis and discussion
Intro. to Research Ethics - Topics –Plagiarism –Approaches to the Ethics of Scientific Research –Sustainability –Misconduct –Responding to Problems –Data Management –Authorship –Peer Review –Mentors and Trainees –Collaboration in Research –Science and the Military –Conflicts of Interest –Animal Subjects –Human Subjects
Assessment Existing measures of moral reasoning:Existing measures of moral reasoning: –Moral Judgment Test (MJT), Lind, 2002 –Engineering and Science Issues Test (ESIT), Borenstein, Kirkman & Swann, 2005 Study-specific outcome measuresStudy-specific outcome measures Student-instructor communication (post test only)Student-instructor communication (post test only)
Study-specific Outcomes Knowledge of Professional Standards Sensitivity to Ethical Issues Ethical Reasoning Microethics Data Management XXX Conflict of Interest XXX Macroethics Sustainability XXX Military Research XXX
Fall 2009 Results Study-Specific Measures Ethical Sensitivity (5-point scale):Ethical Sensitivity (5-point scale): –Statistically significant increase in scores from pretest to posttest (pretest M = 3.29, posttest M = 3.55) Knowledge of Relevant Standards (16 possible):Knowledge of Relevant Standards (16 possible): –Statistically significant increase in scores from pretest to posttest (pretest M = 11.74, posttest M = 13.12) Ethical Reasoning (4-point scale):Ethical Reasoning (4-point scale): –No difference in scores from pretest to posttest (M = 3.30) –Note: Items were developed to tap the same underlying process as existing measures, but for issues specific to this student population.
Fall 2009 Results Existing Measures Moral Judgment Test (MJT):Moral Judgment Test (MJT): –Increase in scores from pretest to posttest, but not statistically significant (pretest M = 19.79, posttest M = 23.07) Engineering & Sciences Issues Test (ESIT):Engineering & Sciences Issues Test (ESIT): –Statistically significant increase from pretest to posttest (pretest M = 7.88, posttest M = 9.64) Note: No significant group differences between instructional models for any measuresNote: No significant group differences between instructional models for any measures
Results Dissemination Outcomes workshopOutcomes workshop September 2011 Project Participants (including students) 8-10 outside participants (partial travel support) Web siteWeb sitehttp://
Thank You National Science FoundationNational Science Foundation Biological Design Ph.D. ProgramBiological Design Ph.D. Program Center for Biology and SocietyCenter for Biology and Society Center for Nanotechnology and SocietyCenter for Nanotechnology and Society Consortium for Science, Policy & OutcomesConsortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes Lincoln Center for Applied EthicsLincoln Center for Applied Ethics