Good Information to Know about Hiring Students: No students are to begin employment without completion of the mandatory Federal I-9 process with their Curry HR Associate. To be employed as a student during the academic year a student must be enrolled full-time, which is 12 credit hours. Student employment is limited to 20 hours per week. The student's advisor and the Academic Dean in the school (Catherine Brighton here in Curry) may approve an exception to this please see your Curry HR Associate for the exemption form. The students academic progress toward degree is most important. Students on visas typically may NOT work in excess of 20 hours period. Please be mindful of this as penalties include deportation. Students may work more than 20 hours during the summer as long as they were enrolled as a full-time student in the previous spring and intend to enroll as a full-time student in the Fall. Students who graduate may maintain their student employment status until the start of the Fall student payroll which is generally the second week in August. Doctoral students working on grants are to be paid as GRAs on goal pay. Work Study is for hourly wage student employees only. A stipend, also known as a fellowship, is NOT employment. Student Employment Categories: Student Assistantships on Goal Pay (lump sum payments without timecards) Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) - GTAs have instructional assignments in classrooms or laboratories. In general, GTAs have responsibility for a range of activities that include: leading lecture and classroom activities connected with a single section of a multi-section course that is under the general supervision of a faculty member; leading discussion sections or problem sessions associated with courses that are taught by a member of the regular faculty; leading laboratory sections under the general supervision of a regular faculty member who has responsibility for the course. Other duties can include holding office hours, grading tests and other assignments, and responding to student questions in person and electronically. GTAs are expected to prepare sufficiently for each class or lab. In addition, all GTAs, per the accreditation requirements for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), are expected to: have a master’s degree or 18 graduate credit hours in the discipline they are teaching; receive direct supervision from a faculty member experienced in the teaching discipline; participate in regular in-service training; and undergo planned and periodic evaluations. (see policy for possible exceptions) Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) - GRAs conduct academically significant research related to their academic program and their development as future researchers, with a minimum of supervision, under the guidance of a faculty member. Graduate students hired on an hourly basis to conduct short-term research, organize conferences, or provide other types of academic support are not graduate research assistants and are not eligible for tuition remission. Hourly Wage on Timecards: Hourly Wage and Hourly Wage Work Study - Undergraduate Student Workers are paid to work in support of the academic programs: paper and exam grading, assisting in the laboratory or library, etc. Graduate Student Workers provide similar academic program support (except laboratory - GRA or classroom instruction - GTA). Note that work study is hourly wage except that 70% of the wage is covered by federal work study funds and 30% is covered by the employing organization. As supervisor, you are responsible to approving accurate time cards. Student wage employment is governed by the Provost Office. The two policies that apply to student employment are: Wage Authorization pdf Graduate Assistants