MEANING Data preparation to arrive at a meaningful research analysis. Intermediary b/w data collection & data interpretation Data preparation consist of 3 important steps: Editing Coding Data entry
DATA PROCESSING Processing implies editing, coding, classification & tabulation of collected data so that they are amenable to analysis Analysis refer to the computation of certain measures
STEPS IN PROCESSING DATA Identifying data structures Editing Coding & Classifying Transcription Tabulation
1)Identifying Data Structures Defining data structure to use modern analysis software such as SPSS. A data structure is a dynamic collection of related variables that can be represented as graph. It defines relationship b/w variables /groups.
2)Editing Editing is the review of the questionnaire with the objective of increasing accuracy and precision. It is needed to detect and if possible to eliminate errors in the filled questionnaires. It involves a careful scrutiny of the completed questionnaires and /or Schedules There are three points--- completeness, accuracy and uniformity, to be checked while editing the data.
3)Coding The purpose of coding in surveys is to put the answers into a particular question into meaningful and unambiguous categories to bring out essential pattern, concealed in the mass of information Coding refers to the process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answers Coding can be of: Numeric coding is compulsory when the variable is to be subject to further analysis Egs: Yes – 1, No - 2 Alpha numeric coding- given for table or graph Zero Coding – to be given carefully for missing value or no response
Classification Arranging data in groups or classes according to similarities in characteristics Required especially for open ended responses. All possible response types to be considered. Data arranged according to resemblance, affinities, common characteristics
4) Transcription of Data Transferring data collected on to a data sheet with summary of all responses. Aim is to minimize shuffling of pages b/w responses & observations. Transcription helps in presentation of all responses . It is an intermediary process b/w coding and tabulation. Can be manual for small data sets Excel sheets can be used in transcription of large data sets. – observations as rows and responses as columns.
5) Tabulation Process of summarizing raw data in a compact form and displaying them in statistical tables for further analysis. Manually simple frequency tables can be constructed by counting the yes and no responses. Computer tabulation with s/w packages as SPSS – Statistical Package for Social Science Data input requirement will be column & row variables.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS examination of the assembled and grouped data studies the characteristics of the object under study determines the patterns of relationships among variables relating to it
PURPOSE OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS summarizes data into understandable and meaningful form makes exact descriptions possible facilitates identification of causal factors aids the drawing of reliable inferences from observational data
Approach to Statistical Analysis descriptive analysis: construction of statistical distribution and calculation of simple measures like averages, percentage and measures of dispersion - mean, median, mode. compare two or more distribution or two or more sub- groups within a distribution – Ratios, proportions and percentages. study the nature of relationship among variables- correlation & regression.