TB/HIV Workshop: Session 9&10 Mozambique, Malawi and Lesotho.


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Presentation transcript:

TB/HIV Workshop: Session 9&10 Mozambique, Malawi and Lesotho

Malawi Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? COORDINATIONCoordination at Zones not as effective as at national level Complete TB/HIV strategy to address zonal structure. and disseminate this NTP and HIV programmes together PLANNINGPlanning and M&E not done jointly.. though shared. TB recording forms updated and on HIV side but not reported systematically Need to have joint quarterly M&E review meetings.. Involve each other in review meetings TB/HIV coordinator at national level COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENTWeak community involvement on the TB side.. Strong on HIV side HIV CBOs need to be trained on TB issues.. Mapping and preparation of training in 6 months & resource mobilisation. TB programme Reduce burden of HIV in TB patients. HIV in TB.. only small proportion offered ART (high CPT) Scale up of ART sites and task shifting. Orientation of TB officers on ART and testîng. HIV sites TB screening for HIV patients is happening to some extent but recording not summarised. More dissemination of policy… Include TB in HIV test forms and summary data TB and HIV M&E officers Infection Control.. No policy for TB Need for TA to support preparation. Addendum to existing universal infection control policy TB programme and nursing department

Lesotho Priority Activity ChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? Coordination.. national committee and officer established. At district level HIV M&E officers will do TB activities as well. HIV &TB clinical officers will do both. Also ART treatment at HC will include TB treatment Changing the job descriptions of the M&E people. noneNTP manager HIV manager human resource persons. Monitoring and EvaluationM&E. TB have incorporated HIV data but needing revision in HIV side HIV M&E and steering committee. Infection Control policyIn place but needs dissemination Infection control committee activity and funding for activities. Government funding available Infection control committee director general Reducing HIV in TB patientsTrained TB staff but do not do testing. Plan to put counsellors in TB clinics Commitment from HIV side to place councillors in TB clinics/sites. Counsellors are available & GF money is available for this Reducing TB in HIV patientsNo follow up of patients advised to get screening in the TB site.. Train HIV clinicians on TB management. then TB suspect management and IPT initiation will be at HIV clinic PIH clinicians.. will do the training.& TB programme CommunitySeparate sets of community supporters for both systems Inegrate these through training.TB and HIV programmes jointly

Mocambique Priority ActivityChallengeInputs Required: external / internal Who will take the action? CoordinationFilling key coordination posts Including community representatives Provinical taskforce implementation is variable Health service action. Coordination mechanism needs to push for this. Government M &EIncorporate the TB data in to the HIV.. summary data system. Also linking of TB and HIV data.. National Level coordinator & Coordinating body and department of Information system. Facilitated by National coordinator and body and M&E subcommittee Infection ControlNeed national guidelines Training, Global Fund Round 7 IPTNeed for naional guidelines for exclusion of TB and IPT administration.. and tools at Local level Promote consensus meeting between managers clinicians. Guidelines as a result Dissemination of these National TB and HIV programmes and partners. Through coordinating mechanism.