R ECRUIT V OLUNTEERS : W HERE ??? Wide geographic county areas Universities or community colleges High schools or elementary schools Other community events Recreation centers Senior citizens groups Health centers & hospitals
F INDING Y OUTH & T EENS TO P ARTICIPATE School group or class participation 4H groups Church groups Other youth groups in your community
V OLUNTEER R ECRUITMENT : W HO ??? Family, friends and neighbors Church friends and other social groups Persons with diabetes and family members Co-Workers and business people Local leaders Young and old Civic minded individuals Health professionals Stay-at home moms School personnel
R EACH O UT Encourage county residents to get involved. Involve opinion leaders (formal & informal). Identify champions & local heroes. Discuss this program with other county groups and find ways to partner & collaborate. Assure that ALL of your county is reached.
R ECRUIT !!! “I think I can, I think I can…” Action word…. Be welcoming Be enthusiastic
W HERE TO F IND V OLUNTEERS ? What are the first steps you will take? How will you tell others about this program? What is the message you will tell?
D IABETES S TORY Some stories not true Everyone in family does not know the same story Tell the story about family risks Tell the story of “small steps” Need to help people “re-story” diabetes
T HE S TORY TO T ELL D URING R ECRUITMENT Start with explaining the problem of diabetes This is a disease that can be prevented Everyone knows someone No one is coming to help us! A good way to get informed …get active & healthy …have fun …make a difference where you live
SUGAR H ELPER T RAITS Friendly, outgoing, positive, caring. Good organizational skills. Interested in helping. Good communicator. Go-getters and self-starters. Willing to learn. Already busy. People ‘rooted’ in YOUR community!
Being a SUGAR Helper is NOT….. Being a SUGAR Helper IS….
W HERE TO F IND V OLUNTEERS ? Advertise Church Flyers Radio Programs Word - of - mouth
SUGAR H ELPERS ARE …. Willing to commit time, talents, and treasures…
S ELECTING SUGAR H ELPERS Volunteer application ( Diabetes Educator Manual, p.95) Job description ( Diabetes Educator Manual, p. 91). Are volunteers are a good fit for your program. Interview volunteers??? Tell volunteers about education program and training dates. Follow-up.
H IRE AND F IRE Identify processes. Length of commitment (1 year). Volunteer contract (renewable).
U SE A R ECRUITMENT S TRATEGY Decide on your strategy. Use local media. Use program posters. Distribute flyers. Word of mouth.
T HINGS SUGAR H ELPERS D O Interact with individuals, families, & groups. Share information (health, well-being). Point to local resources. Conduct local events (health, diabetes). Make good health a priority. Make diabetes visible.
SUGAR H ELPER T RAINING P ROGRAM Length of training (18 – 20 hours total) 4 to 6 sessions Set dates for SUGAR Helper training ASAP On-going support (monthly)
V OLUNTEER C OHORTS Group of persons Annually at least one group Recruit in September, Train in Oct-Nov 2010 Plan training session for summer/fall 2011