Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 1 Preparatory Design Studies MROD-X Use Xilinx Virtex II Pro –Rocket IO –Power PC –Port the current MROD-In design from Altera to Xilinx
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 2 MROD-In design from Altera to Xilinx Altera APEX20K200EQC240-1 Total logic elements –5605 / 8320 (67 %) Total ESB bits –15360 / (14 %) Total pins –168 / 171 (98 %) Xilinx XC2VP7FG456-7 Number of SLICEs –2898 out of 4928 (58%) Number of RAMB16s –3 out of 44 (6%) Number of External IOBs –168 out of 248 (67%) Note 1: Rule of thumb 70 % = FULL. If you try to put more in your FPGA then you’ll probably face routing and timing problems! Note 2: 1 Xilinx “SLICE” (~ 2 “Logic Cells”) ~ 2 Altera “Logic Elements”
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 3 Virtex-II Pro Development Board
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 4 Virtex-II Pro Evaluation Kit
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 5 GOL Test Board
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 6 SFP Evaluation Kit
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 7 Start Insert Error Reset GOL Test Board GOL Event Data ROM Altera FPGA Event Data ROM Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA Rocket IO = ? Status LEDs Okay Fault Development Board GOL to RocketIO test Idle Run 25 MHz 50 MHz 1 Gb/s
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 8 GOL to Rocket IO test
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 9 GOL to RocketIO test Results Xilinx ISE RocketIO placement problem -> Solved Back-annotated simulation of the setup -> Okay! Real life test -> Okay! Start Insert Error + Reset
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 10 Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA Rocket IO Evaluation Kit To Be Done: Test FPGA to FPGA Data Links Plus Flow Control Development Board Xilinx Virtex-II Pro FPGA Rocket IO Data Full FIFO Data Empty 1.6 Gb/s (160 MB/s)
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 11 Power PC core Evaluation Learn to use Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) Play with the demos that were delivered with the boards Made LED On/Off via RS232 system, using PPC core + Peripherals.
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 12 Power PC Hello World System PPC-Core PLB Arbitter PLB BRAM Controller BRAM PLB 2 OPB Bridge OPB Arbitter Processor Reset UART-Lite JTAG PPC controller Xilinx XC2VP7FF869-6 PPC405s –1 out of 1 100% RAMB16s (2 KByte each) –16 out of 44 36% Number of SLICEs –826 out of %
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 13 Conclusions: Design can easily be ported from Altera to Xilinx RocketIO –GOL Receiver is working. –Inter FPGA link to be tested. Power PC –Consumes FPGA resources (probably need a XC2VP20 instead of a XC2VP7 device) –Needs investment in learning EDK –Needs investment in software development
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 14
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 15 MROD-In design from Altera to Xilinx Altera APEX20K200EQC240-1 Total logic elements –5605 / 8320 (67 %) Total ESB bits –15360 / (14 %) Total pins –168 / 171 (98 %) Worst Case timing –IO pin to ZBT memory data line: 805 ps left… Xilinx XC2VP7FG456-7 Number of SLICEs –2898 out of 4928 (58%) Number of RAMB16s –3 out of 44 (6%) Number of External IOBs –168 out of 248 (67%) Worst Case timing –Clkx2 -> WrSharc_n: 40 ps left. Note 1: Rule of thumb 70 % = FULL. If you try to put more in your FPGA then you’ll probably face routing and timing problems! Note 2: 1 Xilinx “SLICE” (~ 2 “Logic Cells”) ~ 2 Altera “Logic Elements”
Peter JansweijerATLAS week: February 24, 2004Slide 16 First Rough Worst Case Timing Estimate XC2VP7FG456-5 Fail 2 Constraint (-35 ps) XC2VP7FG456-6 Fail 1 Constraint (-11 ps) XC2VP7FG456-7 Okay (40 ps) XC2VP7FF896-5 Fail 1 Constraint (-884 ps) XC2VP7FF896-6 Okay (23 ps) XC2VP7FF896-7 Okay (25 ps) Xilinx fitter tries to exploit the full timing budget that is set in the constaints file. Therefore conclusions are hard to make… Failed constraints are on “Clkx2” (80 MHz)