God loved the world so much… HOLY WEEK 2003
Beside the streams of Babylon We sat and wept At the memory of Zion Leaving our harps Hanging on the poplars there. (Ps 137) Father, you care with the same love for your quareling children. Our Father, of each one.
Who are on heaven and on earth, in each person, in the poor and the suffering. For we had been asked To sing to our captors,to entertain them: ‘Sing’ they said ‘some hymns of Zion’ (Ps 137)
Holy be your name. But not with the noise of arms but with the whisper of the heart. How can we sing one of Yahweh’s hymns in a pagan country? Jerusalem, If I forget you, May my right hand wither! (Ps 137)
May your kingdom come, a reign of peace and a reign of love. May May I never speak again, if I forget you! If I do not count Jerusalem the greatest of my joys! (Ps 137)
May your will be done, always and in everything. May your plan encounter no obstacle among the sons of power. Lord, remember what the sons of Edom did on the day of Jerusalem, how they said, ‘Down with her! Raze her to the ground!’ (Ps 137)
Give us, Lord, our daily bread, since tomorrow, perhaps, is going to be too late. Our daily bread, made of peace, of justice and of love.
And forgive us our sins. Not like we forgive, But how You forgive With no room for hatred & discord. Sisters of Sant Benet de Montserrat GOD LOVED THE WORLD SO MUCH…