Computer Performance Computer Engineering Department
What is Performance? Performance can be judged from several perspectives and with several metrics! Purchasing perspective - given a collection of machines, which has the best performance? lowest cost? best performance/cost ratio?
Design perspective - faced with design options, which has the best performance improvement? least cost? best performance improvement/cost of improvement? Our goal is to understand cost & performance implications of computer architectural choices What is Performance?
PlaneDC to ParisSpeedPassengers Throughput (p x mph) Boeing hours610 mph470286,700Airbus hours560 mph555310,800 Which has higher performance – a Boeing 747 or a Airbus 380? Two notions of Performance
Time of A380 vs. Boeing 747? A380 is 560 mph / 610 mph =.91 times slower Throughput of A380 vs. Boeing 747 ? A380 is 310,800 pmph / 286,700 pmph = 1.08 “times faster” A380 is 8% faster in terms of throughput Boeing is 9%” faster in terms of flying time
Server Performance is units of things-per-second (throughput) bigger number is better If we say “X is n times faster than Y it means Performance(X)/Performance(Y) = n Embedded systems: hard real-time constraint and soft real time constraint Desktop systems we focus on the execution time for a single job We are primarily concerned with response time Execution time (X) = ______1_________ Performance (X) - smaller number is better Definitions
Relative performance compares one computer vs. another. Performance A = Execution time B = n Performance B Execution time A If we look at response time to execute an application and Computer A finishes faster we can say “Computer A is 3 times faster than Computer B” which means Execution time B = 3 or Performance A = 3 Execution time A Performance B Or Performance A = 3 (Performance B) However, one application does not run exclusevly on the CPU… Comparing Performance
CPU Performance The elapsed time or “execution time” groups times needed to perform the application while the CPU is multiplexing between tasks. The Execution time = CPU time + Access time + Overhead Example CPU time is 10 sec for the program + 2 sec system time, and the total elapsed time is 40 sec then CPU time is 12/40 or 33% of the execution time. the rest (66%) is spent for Input/Output (I/O) and other programs.
CPU Performance For a hardware designer, the bottom line is CPU time CPU time = Seconds which can also be written as Program CPU time = # Clock cycles for a program Clock frequency (GHz) The #clock cycles for a program depends on its size (how many instructions is has – or Instruction Count ), as well as on the average number of clock cycles it takes to execute a single instruction (or CPI ).
Average Cycles Per Instruction Programs have different kinds of instructions. Some (like those involving memory access lw, sw) take more cycles to execute. Others, like add are faster, and take less cycles to execute. We look at the Instruction Frequency F i = Number of instruction of type i Program Instruction Count Note – F i is program dependent! (will influence MIPS) Then CPI = Σ CPI i x F i i=1 n
CPU time= Seconds= Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle CPU time= Seconds= Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle instr. count CPIclock rate Program Compiler Instr. Set Arch. Organization Technology CPU Performance
CPU time= Seconds= Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle CPU time= Seconds= Instructions x Cycles x Seconds Program Program Instruction Cycle instr. count CPIclock rate Program X X Compiler X X Instr. Set X X Arch. Organization X X Technology X CPU Performance
Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) Another way to measure performance It is defining speed of execution – faster machines have higher MIPS We define it as MIPS = Instruction Count x Execution time (sec) Example Two 5 GHz computers with the same architecture use different compilers. They have Instruction Class CPI i A 2 B 1 C 4
Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) The compilers affect the Instruction Count for each class Code from Instruction Count C i for each Class (10 9 ) A B C Compiler Compiler The # CPU cycles= Σ CPI i x C i (how many in instruction of class i are in the program) So # CPU cycles for Machine 1 = (5x2+1x1+2x4) 10 9 = 19 x10 9 and # CPU cycles for Machine 2 = (10x2+1x1+2x4) 10 9 = 29 x 10 9 The Execution time for Machine 1 = #CPU cycles/clock frequency = (19 x 10 9 )/5 x10 9 = 3.8 sec The Execution time for Machine 2 = (29 x 10 9 )/5x10 9 = 5.8 sec
Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) So Machine 1 has better performance (it takes less time to execute the program). MIPS as measure of performance= Instruction Count x10 -6 Execution time MIPS for Machine “1” = (5+1+2) 10 9 = 2,100 MIPS 3.8 x10 6 MIPS for Machine “2 “= (10+1+2) 10 9 = 2,241 MIPS 5.8 x10 6 So Machine 2 has higher MIPS! – MIPS depends on the Instruction Count (which depends on the compiler) – there will be different MIPS on a single machine – less used these days.
The End