Lesson 1 Imagine you’ve just had an argument with a friend. How would this event affect you? Learning how to manage stress is an important part of staying healthy. Effects of Stress
Lesson 1 In this lesson, you’ll learn to: Examine causes and effects of stress. Analyze how stress can affect physical, mental/emotional, and social health. Discuss how substance abuse harms mental/emotional health. Lesson Objectives
Lesson 1 How Does Stress Affect You? How much stress you feel depends on your perception of events that cause stress.perceptionstress One way to manage stress is to change how you perceive and react to events that cause it. Stress in Your Life
Lesson 1 How Do You React to Stress? Stress is not necessarily good or bad, but it can have positive or negative effects. It can motivate you to do your best. It can give you the extra energy you need to reach your goals. It can also be unhealthy at times. Reacting to Stress
Lesson 1 What Causes Stress? To learn how to manage stress, you need to know what causes it. Five general categories of stressors:stressors 1. Biological 2. Environmental 3. Cognitive, or thinking 4. Personal behavior 5. Life situation Stressors
Lesson 1 The Body’s Stress Response When you perceive a situation to be a threat, your body begins a stress response. Two body systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system, are active. This response is largely involuntary, or automatic. How the Body Responds to Stress
Lesson 1 The Body’s Stress Response Stages of the Stress Response Resistance Fatigue Alarm Alarm is the first stage in the stress response. During this reaction, your body and mind go on high alert. This reaction is sometimes referred to as the “fight-or-flight response.”
Lesson 1 Stress and Your Health Physical Effects Stress can lead to a psychosomatic response.psychosomatic response Some stress-related health problems: Headache Asthma High blood pressure Weakened immune system
Lesson 1 Stress and Your Health Mental/Emotional and Social Effects Stress can interfere with daily activities and relationships with others. It may lead to: Difficulty concentrating. Mood swings. Risks of substance abuse.
Lesson 1 Taking Control of Chronic Stress Reactions to Chronic Stress One type of prolonged stress is chronic stress. It lasts longer, sometimes for months.chronic stress Some symptoms: Upset stomach Headache Insomnia Change in appetite Feeling anxious
Lesson 1 Taking Control of Chronic Stress Strategies for Controlling the Effects of Stress Engage in physical activity. Look for support among your friends and family. Find a hobby or activity that relaxes you. Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
Lesson 1 Q. The act of becoming aware through the senses is _____. 1.stress 2.psychosomatic response 3. chronic stress 4. perception Choose the appropriate option. Quick Review
Lesson 1 Click Next to attempt another question. A. The act of becoming aware through the senses is perception. Quick Review - Answer
Lesson 1 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. List the five general categories of stressors. Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review
Lesson 1 A. The five general categories of stressors are: 1.Biological 2.Environmental 3.Cognitive 4.Personal behavior 5.Life situation Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer
Lesson 1 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Describe the three stages of the body’s response to stress. Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review
Lesson 1 A. The body’s stress response happens in three stages: Alarm: The body and mind go on high alert. This reaction is referred to as the “fight-or-flight response.” Resistance: The body adapts to the rush created by alarm and reacts to the stressor. You will either “fight” or take “flight” in this stage. Fatigue: A tired feeling takes over. Both the mind and body are exhausted. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer
Lesson 1 What healthful alternatives would you recommend to a teen who is thinking about using drugs to deal with stress? Explain the importance of alternatives to substance abuse. Provide a short answer to the question given below. Quick Review
Lesson 1 How Does Stress Affect You? How much stress you feel depends on your perception of events that cause stress.perceptionstress One way to manage stress is to change how you perceive and react to events that cause it. Perception is the act of becoming aware through the senses. Stress in Your Life
Lesson 1 How much stress you feel depends on your perception of events that cause stress.perceptionstress One way to manage stress is to change how you perceive and react to events that cause it. Stress is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. How Does Stress Affect You? Stress in Your Life
Lesson 1 To learn how to manage stress, you need to know what causes it. Five general categories of stressors:stressors 1. Biological 2. Environmental 3. Cognitive, or thinking 4. Personal behavior 5. Life situation To learn how to manage stress, you need to know what causes it. Stressors What Causes Stress? A stressor is anything that causes stress.
Lesson 1 Physical Effects Stress can lead to a psychosomatic response.psychosomatic response Some stress-related health problems: Headache Asthma High blood pressure Weakened immune system Stress and Your Health A psychosomatic response is a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness.
Lesson 1 Some symptoms: Upset stomach Headache Insomnia Change in appetite Feeling anxious Reactions to Chronic Stress One type of prolonged stress is chronic stress. It lasts longer, sometimes for months.chronic stress Taking Control of Chronic Stress Chronic stress is stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control.
Lesson 1 The Body’s Stress Response Stages of the Stress Response Your body adapts to the rush created by alarm and reacts to the stressor. You “fight” or take “flight.” Your body is briefly able to perform at a higher level of endurance. Resistance Fatigue Alarm
Lesson 1 The Body’s Stress Response Stages of the Stress Response Fatigue may set in when exposure to stress is prolonged. It may be: Physical: When the muscles work vigorously for long periods Psychological: Due to constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, or isolation Pathological: Brought on by overworking the body’s defenses in fighting disease Resistance Fatigue Alarm
Lesson 1 A. Correct! The act of becoming aware through the senses is perception. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer
Lesson 1 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer