Parts Of A Cell Organelles and their Functions
This is a Cell.
As you can see… Though a cell is very small, there are things even smaller that make up the cell. These small particles that make up the cell are called Organelles There are several different types of Organelles and each has its own function.
The Cell Membrane Also called the Plasma Membrane The cell membrane is made up of a permeable layer. This layer allows certain things to pass through it, such as Oxygen, while it prevents other things from entering the cell. The Cell Membrane surrounds the cell and is it’s boundary separating the inside of the cell, or cytoplasm, from the rest of the body.
Mitochondria The mitochondria of the cell is where a cell gets its power Mitochondria oxidize foodstuffs to produce energy in the from of ATP Mitochondria also have a special form of DNA that is passed down from mother to child. It is called Mitochondrial DNA Power House of the Cell
Lysosome Lysosome are sacs filled with digestive enzymes. The job of the lysosome is to digest worn out organelles, or the organelles that are no longer doing their job. If ruptured, a lysosome can destroy the entire cell that it is a part of.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) There are 2 types of ER. Rough and Smooth. Rough ER has ribosomes attached to it and is used to store and transport proteins to other parts of the cell. It also aids in protein synthesis Smooth ER is used in transportation, but not synthesis.
The Golgi Apparatus Takes proteins that are delivered to it by the rough ER and modifies them, separates them, and then packages them into a membrane. That membrane can then becomes part of the cell membrane, be excreted from the cell, or become a lysosome.
Ribosome Small round organelles that are made of RNA and protein. Site of protein synthesis for the cell. Can be found free floating or attached to the rough ER.
Nucleus Contains the genetic material for the cell, or the DNA. Known as the “Control Center of the Cell” Necessary for cell reproduction and replication Has a membrane much like the cell membrane called the nuclear membrane or nuclear envelope.
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm is what makes up the inside of the cell. It is a fluid that contains the other organelles floating in it along with the organelles. The liquid alone is called cytosol.
Cytoskeleton Used to support the cell. Made of 3 types: Mictrotubules, Microfilaments, and Intermediate filaments. Helps determine shape of the cell.
Reference Marieb, E.N, & Mitchel, S.J. (2011). Human Anatomy & Physiology laboratory manual. San Franciso, CA: Pearson Education,Inc. /animalphysiology/anatomy/animalcellstructure/Mitoc hondria/Mitochondria.htmhttp:// /animalphysiology/anatomy/animalcellstructure/Mitoc hondria/Mitochondria.htm /animalphysiology/anatomy/animalcellstructure/GolgiA pparatus/GolgiApparatus.htmhttp:// /animalphysiology/anatomy/animalcellstructure/GolgiA pparatus/GolgiApparatus.htm l l