EQUIPMENT A softball bat A helmet A glove A face mask for pitching (if your league pitches.)
CLOTHING Your teams jersey Knee high socks A visor (if its in spring) You will also need white or gray softball pants Cleats
POSITIONS First base Second base Third base Home plate Shortstop Right field Left field Pitchers mound Center field
FAMOUS SOFTBALL PLAYERS Jennie Finch Jackie Traina Cat Osterman Stacey Nuvman Lisa Fernandez
LISA FERNANDEZ Lisa Fernandez was known for her amazing fast pitching skills. In fact she is the worlds best. She was born in California on February She started as a child then grew up and became the star of St. Josephs high school team in Lakewood, Californa. // 2Bfern.jpg&imgrefurl= m/softball/articles/usa-softball-legend-lisa- fernandez &h=150&w=150&tbnid=ZU- LT4DCS_AkMM:&zoom=1&q=lisa+fernande z&docid=qo0SAHbk9OU7jM&ei=akA1VcKs BNGJsQT0poHoAw&tbm=isch&ved=0CCIQ MygGMAY
THE END Hope you like it!