Chapter 19 Liquids
Liquids exert pressure on the walls of their container. Pressure = force area
Pressure due to liquid = weight density x depth
Water pressure depends on depth, not volume: “At any point within a liquid, the forces that produce pressure are exerted equally in all directions” - Hewitt:
Buoyancy Buoyancy is the apparent loss of weight of objects when submerged in a liquid. Buoyant force is the upward force exerted on a submerged object that is opposite in direction to gravity.
Displacement: the volume of liquid displaced by a submerged object is equal to the volume of the object. A completely submerged object always displaces a volume of liquid equal to its own volume.
Archimedes Principle “An immersed object is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of of the fluid that it displaces”