Intoxication short term psychological and physiological consequences Abuse long term physical, mental and social problems Hazardous use may cause damage to physical health Harmful use already caused damage
Tolerance higher dose for same effect Withdrawal state Craving Dependence psychophysiological state accompany repeated administration
Problem drinker Is it a disease Criteria of alcohol dependence narrowing of repetoir of drinking salience over other activities tolerance withdrawal compulsion to drink reinstatement after withdraw
Etiology genetic personality behavioral theory psychiatric cultural occupations
Complications Consequences social: marriage, work, offences, crimes,vagrancy
Complications psychiatric: Depression, suicide Delirium tremens Hallucinosis Amnesia Cognitive impairment
physical Liver damage GIT Anemia Cancer Heart Infections Fetal alcohol syndrome
neurological Intoxication Wernicke Korsakoff Peripheral neuropathy Convulsions Myopathies
Management 1-assessment CAGE Psychiatric Physical 2- detoxification 3- long term Aversive therapy Psychotherapy self help groups
Prevention Early detection Control availability Advertisement Education
Potent,short half life Physical and psychological
Heroin, pethidine Physical dependence Intoxication respiratory depression Withdrawal anxiety Management methadone, harm minimization
MDMA cocaine amphetamines No physical withdrawal syndrome Euphoria increased sympathetic drive Stopping depression, craving
LSD psilocibine Change reality Bad trips No physical dependence flash backs
Solvents School boys Disorientation vomiting Risky, respiratory depression, Irreversible neurotoxicity Anticholinergics Benzhexol, procyclidine