Scarlet Letter NOTES-in comp notebook or spiral Themes/symbols/questions
Why written? (Btw those who didn’t do the project write these down, you may turn this in for 90/100 points) When authors write they must consider certain things Audience Message Speaker This is also called rhetorical triangle.
NH’s audience? __________ Message ________________ Speaker ___________________
Rhetorical elements in SL Your list… Contrasts Duality Ambiguity Allegory Connotations Symbolism Motif Word Choice
Questions/Journals 1. Custom House: Romanticism? Look it up Why did he want this chapter? 2. What are the feelings towards Puritans? 3. Chillingworth character? Why?
4. What has the Letter done to Hester? What is Pearl like? 5. Hester’s attitude about Pearl 6. What is the doctor’s plan? 7. How does the letter change and evolve? 8. Love or Lust? 9. Why would the Pastor ‘tell’ on himself? 10. Hester's role in society?
Poetry/Art Poetry: google: poem single mother or courage or sin Art=google: mother scarlet letter
Themes: Sin- Guilt- Revenge- Courage- Punishment Choices-
Symbols Scarlet Letter Meteor Prison Rose Bush Red Black Green Purple Gold