Long Narrative Poem that celebrates a hero’s deeds Many are based in historical fact Drew on existing songs and legends, which they could embellish or combine with original material Anglo-Saxon Helmet Date back to preliterate periods Passed down orally by way of Bards. They would sing or chant the story
Repetition of words, phrases, or lines Reflect universal themes such as ‘good and evil’ or ‘life and death’ Reflect universal themes such as courage and honor Plot is complicated by supernatural beings/events and may involve long and dangerous journeys through foreign lands.
Epithets: adjectives that point out special traits of particular persons or things Example: “Swift-footed” to describe Achilles Kennings: poetic synonyms; rather than an adjective, it is a descriptive phrase or compound word that substitutes for a noun Example: “The Almighty Enemy” and “sin- stained demon” to refer to Grendel in Beowulf Also, major characters will deliver long formal speeches
Often male and of noble birth or high position His character traits reflect important ideals of his society Performs courageous (often superhuman) deeds that reflect the values of that era
Germanic-speaking tribes of N. Europe were driven from their lands by warfare. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes They settled on the island of Britain where the established what is now called Anglo-Saxon civilization For entertainment, they would father in mead halls where they feasted and drank mead and listened to hales of heroic achievement
Most famous poem early Germanic heroic poem to survive Dates from between 8 th and 10 th centuries, after the Anglo-Saxon conversion to Christianity Passed down orally for decades before being written down The oldest written manuscript was written in an Anglo-Saxon dialect during the 10 th century.
Takes place in European mainland, among two related tribes: The Danes of what is now Denmark The Geats of what is now Sweden Warrior culture that celebrated loyalty and deeds of great strength and courage
Loyalty and respect to their lords, always Emphasizes courage and honor Vengeance Fellows tribesmen were expect to avenge others’ injury or death. Failure to do so would be shameful Treasure If a warrior performs a valuable service for his lord, he is richly rewarded with treasures.