Providing Updates to the State Agency
Providing Updates I know I was supposed to do something?
So What’s an Update? An Update is…… –ANY PROGRAM CHANGES Hiring persons w/ CACFP responsibilities Termination of persons w/ CACFP responsibilities Changing location Changing staffing responsibilities Programming changes (ages enrolled, days/hours of operation, capacity) Ceasing operations (temporarily or permanently) Changing meal times or meals types Change in vendor / FSMC Change of contact information ( , telephone, etc.) Field Trips When: As the issue(s) occur or immediately thereafter How: Call or your Program Specialist
Staff Turnover The Authorized Representative shall inform the State Agency when: –There is a change in staff who handle CACFP duties. Such as the….. Director Designee of Authorized Representative CACFP Contact Person
Staff Training Authorized Representative is responsible for ensuring that all staff are adequately trained: –New Employees –Assigning New CACFP Duties –Annually –Staff turnover –As needed for compliance
Renewal Process Renewal documents are due no later than August 30, 2013 Utilize the checklist Follow the directions Only use the current FY2014 forms provided to you Late Submission + Missing Documents = Delayed Application Processing Which may mean late reimbursement payments
For Sponsors: Adding New Facilities What do I need to submit to the State Agency? - Site Information Form (SIF) – signed - Facility’s license or fire & health inspection (if at-risk facility) - Facility’s Certified Food Handler certificate - Pre-approval visit form - Facility agreement (if unaffiliated) - Updated excel spreadsheet with the new facility’s information Remember: Sponsoring organizations cannot start claiming meals served at centers until all of these documents are submitted!