University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group Agile Objects: Component-based Inherent Survivability Andrew A. Chien UCSD Riccardo Bettati Texas A&M AFRL F OASIS PI Meeting, March 12, 2002
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20022 Outline Motivation and Goals Agile Objects Project Highlights Agile Objects Recent Progress
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20023 Context Static Distributed Software Architectures (nearly) »Fixed points of access, deployment, resource dependence System/Firewall/Sandbox/Domain based Security »Resource and containment oriented Security Architecture based on Anticipated Deployment Structures => Flexibility and reconfiguration to enhance survivability Our Focus: Flexible Configuration of Distributed C 3 I Systems (Real- time, High Performance, Mission-Critical Online systems) »E.g. Aegis Battle Cruiser, Theatre Command/Information system, etc. »High bandwidth networks, rich resource environment
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20024 AO Focus: Tolerance and Response Resource loss due to compromise »Detected security breach, autonomic response network partition Resources made undesirable due to changes in security status »Under attack, detected assaults, partially compromised, loss of other security critical information »Information about attack methods and systems targeted »Proactive reconfiguration in response to partial loss
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20025 Distribution Independent Design High performance RPC enables… Identical Application Design can be Deployed in Multiple Configurations »Identical design effort (same performance abstractions ensured by the middleware layer) – rate-based real-time performance at component level »Identical performance experienced by users of the applications »Configurations can be chosen based on many criteria: survivability, load balance, hardware reliability, etc. Deployment #2 Deployment #3 Deployment #4 Deployment #1
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20026 Location Elusive Applications => Online Migration and Flexible Replication… Extends distribution flexibility to runtime »Transparent online reconfiguration; functionality and performance invisible to distributed application and its users (Location Elusiveness) Response to runtime changes to environment (failures, attack, security) »Without major additional design effort »Useful for commodity and legacy software
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20027 Flexible Security Reconfiguration Integrated security mechanisms with high performance RPC/distributed objects (Elusive Interfaces) »Exploit computer manipulable interfaces and data reorganization Adaptive security management for Agile, highly decentralized applications »Rapidly and continuously changing environment and configurations Nasty Virus Attack Elevated Security Barrier Change of Protocol and Change of Interface
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20028 Technical Objectives Elusive Distributed Applications Location Elusiveness »Seamless boundary between Component and Distributed Object applications »Real-time framework allows performance transparent distributed reconfiguration »Replication supports fault tolerance, rapid reconfiguration, multi-version assurance and survivability Interface Elusiveness »Integrates security mechanisms with traditional object interface marshalling to achieve high performance –An adaptive security mechanism (there are many) »Adaptive security required with rapidly changing application configuration –=> also rapidly changing surrounding resource and security environment Transparent reconfiguration maintains performance and security properties »Incorporate software components without major effort Respond to critical Assurance and Survivability events fast (<< seconds) Respond to noisy intrusion information without negative impact
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/20029 Assumptions and Scope What threats/attacks is your project considering? »Any that lead to compromise of nodes, networks, services »esp. object/component interface based attacks What assumptions does your project make? »Applications are component-based »Only some resources are compromised; segregation possible »Some warning (could be noisy) => Low impact techniques to respond What policies can your project enforce? »Application configuration Level of compromise of resources –Reflect Infocon level or resource status fast »Many that drive reconfiguration, decouple reconfiguration from complex analysis and performance
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Challenges Location Elusiveness: Support rapid application mobility with »Performance insensitivity »Uniform resource access »Continuous real-time performance »=> make this real for significant distributed applications Interface Elusiveness: Integrate data security with RPC »Support very high speed networks »Characterize EI interface configuration spaces and cost of data permutation approaches »High performance RPC on very high speed networks while protecting data
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Previous Results Location Elusiveness »Low-latency RPC system (40 microseconds; as fast as local) »Multi-DCOM Prototype –Transparent replication; high performance »Analytic Real-time Framework Interface Elusiveness »Analysis of interface space for sample distributed applications –Simple systems, 10 6 – configurations »Elusive Interfaces prototype and evaluation
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Multi-DCOM Highlight Generic Transparent Interface for Replication »Based on DCOM infrastructure (binary modules of all derivations) Experimentation framework for flexible replication (Fault and Intrusion Tolerance) »“Iterator” based API: translucent compatibility »Execution of legacy COM/DCOM applications without change »Construction of replication aware applications (source, binary wrappers) High performance (modest addl overhead per replica) Client Proxy Stub 1 Stub 2 MSRPCMSRPC InterceptorInterceptor Proxy 1 Proxy 2
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Migration and Naming Highlight Location Elusiveness: flexible application reorganization in time scale of an RPC »Fast Migration (~1 RPC time) »Naming – track fast migrating objects for continuous operation Developed migration architecture »Notification interfaces, system actuators/controllers »Implementations on experimental testbed Defined scalable, low-latency naming architecture(s) »Performance Requirements: ~ 1 RPC latency, location tracking, update of references, scale to large numbers of objects and resources »Defined interfaces, working reference implementation (doesn’t meet performance requirements) »Evaluating alternatives – analytically and empirically Proof of concept in Experimental testbed
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Elusive Interfaces Highlight Distributed Object and Component Applications: elusiveness at the RPC interfaces Broaden Performance-Security Space »Low-cost encryption techniques based on interface structure »Adapt and manage automatically in response to changes »Very high speed networks (10Gbit+), no cryptography hardware Example: shuffle+pad, various pseudo-random shuffling Case Study: European Molecular Biology Laboratory Nucleotide databases »Realistic interface complexity, feasible # configurations Analytic models »Range of “elusiveness” alternatives »Characterize in performance-security space Empirical study in progress (based on Manta Java RMI)
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Recent Progress Definition of Real-time Framework and Resource Allocator »Identify migration destination candidates, effect migration Integration of Technologies in Experimental Testbed »Naming, Migration, Monitoring, Logging, etc. Tolerating a Distributed Denial of Service Attack »Applying Agile Objects technology
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Real-time Framework Local: Timing isolation for real-time applications. Pro-active Distributed Resource Management for fast migration. »Distributed resource discovery and allocation –Identifies available resources and supports real-time properties Resilient to changes in resource availability »Network changes (failures, partitions, attacks) »Application re-configuration (migration) Soft state: nodes periodically publish possible future resource requirements. Other nodes pick up requests and respond with resource availability (willingness to accept objects). »Nodes build their “communities” of candidate nodes. Object migration happens without resource negotiation. »No overcommitment – guaranteed success »Overcommitment – explore rapid searches (e.g. “hot potato” forwarding)
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Experimental Testbed Compute Memory... Fast RPC Compute Memory Compute Memory Local Services (Linux,JVM,RTSJ) Agile Objects Distributed Application RT Resource Management RT Resource Management RT Resource Management Low Latency Naming Global Monitoring Fast Migration Real-time Resource Allocator Interface Elusiveness Location Elusiveness Network Services In Progress Complete High Performance Networking and Compute Infrastructure
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Using Agile Objects to Tolerate DDoS Attack Distributed Denial of Service Attack »How to build a resilient service based on Agile Objects? Assumptions »Agile Objects technology »Open Applications (e.g. internet access) »Attackers can compromise a large number of machines Efforts »Analytical studies for what’s possible –Quantitative model of a DOS attack –Analysis of rate control (QoS approaches) benefits »Apply AO technology to tolerate DDoS Attack
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Distributed DoS Attack Attackers compromise hosts in the Internet and install “zombies” (for example, “Code Red” worm) Attackers control those zombies to DoS attack the victim »Infrastructure level attack (UDP floods) »Application level attack (floods of requests) Attacker compromise hosts in the Internet Application Legitimate Users DDoS Attack!!
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Proxy User Location Elusive Application AO Tolerating DDoS Attack Location Elusiveness uses reconfiguration to tolerate infrastructure-level attacks Proxies translate to Location Elusive Names provide access to application
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Tolerate DDoS Location Elusiveness to tolerate Infrastructure Attacks »Can’t locate the right infrastructure to attack »If located, migration negates effectiveness of attack Proxy network can be extended with proportional-share scheduling to tolerate Application-level Attacks »Attack effects limited to subset of the users »Attacker must compromise large fraction of network to achieve effective attack Real-time framework preserves Object’s Real-time Performance through migration => Approach can provide tolerance of DDoS attack
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/ Summary Progress »Location Elusiveness: High Performance RPC and Migration »Interface Elusiveness: framework and empirical evaluation »Real-time Resource Framework: proactive, fast »Exploration of capabilities: Tolerating DDoS using AO Next Steps »Location Elusiveness: Naming implementations »Interface Elusiveness Empirical studies »Real-time Resource Framework: Implementation and Experiments »Integration and System Experiments »Further Study of what AO capabilities enable
University of California, San Diego Computer Science and Engineering Concurrent Systems Architecture Group OASIS PI Meeting – 3/12/200223