Digital Photography Part 0 The administrative stuff
Péter Tarján2 The basics This is a lecture. Attendance is optional. (But if you are not interested, why did you take it?) There will be a written exam at the end. Oral exam on demand. Previous knowledge is not assumed. Having a camera to try out things for yourself helps. I’ll make the slides available as we go along. There are excellent books and online resources available on the topic. If you have questions during the lecture, ask.
Péter Tarján3 Books & stuff The Digital Photography BookThe Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby The Digital Photography Book, Volume 2The Digital Photography Book, Volume 2 by Scott Kelby Complete Digital PhotographyComplete Digital Photography by Ben Long The Betterphoto Guide to Digital PhotographyThe Betterphoto Guide to Digital Photography by Jim Miotke The Book of Digital PhotographyThe Book of Digital Photography by Chris George The Digital Photography HandbookThe Digital Photography Handbook by Doug Harman etc. Lecture notes: Wikipedia Photo sharing sites etc.
Péter Tarján4 Course plan, part 1 Week 1 Properties of light, reflection and refraction. Imaging with lenses and mirrors. Week 2 Real lenses. Types of cameras. Week 3 How digital cameras work (part 1) Week 4 How digital cameras work (part 2) Week 5 Basic handling of cameras. Week 6 Creative controls: shutter speed, aperture, depth of field.
Péter Tarján5 Course plan, part 2 Week 7 Creative controls: focal length. Composition. Week 8 Lighting. Style and subject (part 1). Week 9 Style and subject (part 2). Processing images: from camera to PC, printing pictures, using them in programs and the web. Week 10 Basic image editing. Week 11 Advanced image editing Week 12 Advanced image editing