The Christianization of Rome
The “Mythic Christ” The Turning Point of History The logos … –“In the beginning was the Word…” John 1:1 The Son of Man The Monk who rules the World Prince of Peace King of Kings The Liberator
Christians and Pagans The “Seven Sleepers of Ephesus” What Pagans Believed Mystery Religions –The Cults of Isis and Mithra –Comparisons with Christianity Persecution of Christians –Roman reasons for disliking Christians –The “Great Persecution” under Diocletian ( CE) Maps
The Triumph of Christianity Catholic Christianity in the Roman World –Episcopal Organization Apostolic Succession The Bishop of Rome –CreedsCreeds The Canon St. Jerome ( CE) and the Vulgate –Monasticism Maps
The Constantinian Revolution The Constantinian Revolution –Constantine ( CE) and the Battle of Milvian BridgeMilvian Bridge –Theodosius ( CE) –Heresy and the Council of Nicaea (325 CE) Arianism Trinitarianism Nicene Creed Conversion after 312 Maps
Christianity: Power and Privacy after 312 The power of the Bishops The Challenge of the Monks –St. Anthony –St. Simeon the Stylite Maps
I believe in God almighty. And in Christ Jesus, his only son, our Lord, Who was born of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, Who was crucified under Pontius Pilate and was buried and the third day rose from the dead, Who ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of the Father, whence he cometh to judge the living and the dead. And in the Holy Spirit, the holy church, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, the life everlasting. Roman Creed