WED Family Weekend Survey Presented by: Denise Hart Cotton Sider Julia Halasz-Tadajewski Survey by: Donna Brameier
Campus Connection How are you connected to the campus of SMWC?
WED Family Weekend Are you interested in a WED Family Weekend?
Attendance Would you be willing to attend this event?
Activities What things would you like to see at this event?
Sporting Events Would you participate in sporting events? If yes, which sporting events are you interested in?
Campus Involvement What do you think of combining this weekend with on campus students to make it a campus wide Family Fun Weekend?
Volunteering Are you interested in helping with this event?
Length What days should this event be held on?
Age What is your age?
Nationwide Where are you from?
In Closing…. Of the 101 people surveyed, 63% of the people are interested in this event Of the 101 people surveyed, 53% would attend the event, with an additional 18% promising attendance if they have no previous commitments Of the 101 people surveyed, 93% think it is a good idea to combine this event to include both WED and on campus students