*All graphics without a citation are courtesy of Microsoft Power Point
The Hapsburgs Germans took over parts of Italy When an emperor of the Holy Roman Empire died, the German princes met to elect a new ruler This assembly was known as a diet
The Hapsburgs 1273: elected Rudolf Hapsburg; his family served as the Holy Roman Emperor for the next 650 years! Family encouraged learning; built universities throughout their empire By 1520, the Hapsburgs ruled half of Europe
The Hapsburgs: What happened to them? By 1867 the territory they controlled was reorganized as Austria & Hungary 1914: Archduke Ferdinand was next in line for the throne, but when he & his wife, Sophie, visited Sarajevo, Bosnia they were shot by a member of a Serbian nationalist group This shooting led to a war between Austria and Serbia, which developed into World War I. franzferdinand.jpg
Spain 711: Spain was controlled by a group of Muslims called the Moors Spaniards were mostly Christians & wanted the Moors out By 1200s, the Moors controlled only a small southern kingdom in Spain (Granada)
Spain most powerful kingdoms were Castile and Aragon 1469: Prince Ferdinand of Aragon married Princess Isabella of Castile united their kingdoms into one country
Spain Ferdinand & Isabella also unified Spain through religion; wanted everyone to be Catholic Jewish people were no longer welcomed; thousands were killed many Jews converted to save themselves
Spain Ferdinand & Isabella believed that many people who converted were practicing their old religion secretly set up the Spanish Inquisition, which was made to get rid of people committing heresy.
Spain thousands of people were tried and tortured the Jews that remained refused to change their religion 1492: Non-christians were told to convert or leave; most decided to leave ition.jpg&imgrefurl= =&h=290&w=432&sz=45&hl=en&start=17&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=k56J6B8cEMcUrM:&tb nh=85&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dspanish%2Binquisition%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6tbs%3Disch:1&ei=-YlaTZaSIdSRgQeJ_JDmDQ
Spain Spain became weaker than ever! most artisans, merchants, bankers, doctors, and educators were either Jews or Moors; few Spaniards could take their place art.com/members/content/gallery /Medical_Clip_Art/Helth013.gif