The High & Late Middle Ages Test Review Answers
1. Law was the same for all people 2. Everyday language of ordinary people 3. Study that uses reason to support Christian belief 4. Split (involving the Church) 5. Holy war 6. Outbreak of a rapid spreading disease 7. Appointment & installation of bishops by non-clergy 8. Artistic decoration of books in Gothic style 9. Pope who led Church at the height of power in Middle Ages 10. Peasant woman who led French troops to victory in 100 Years' War
11. Ruler who used the Inquisition to help unify Spain after the Reconquista 12. Religious French king who improved royal government 13. Holy Roman Emperor who fought to control wealthy northern Italian cities 14. Duke of Saxony who took the title of king of Germany and was crowned Holy Roman Emperor 15. Argued with the Church over lay investitures 16. English king forced to sign the Magna Carta 17. Medieval literature that takes the reader on a journey through hell 18. Christian scholar used reason to define Christian teaching 19. Norman king responsible for Domesday book & defeat at Battle of Hastings 20. Document that said even monarchs must obey the law
21. Treaty that ended the struggle between emperors & popes over lay investitures 22. Rulers could not control strong nobles 23. To free the holy land 24. Drive the Moors out of Spain 25. Economic decline; population decrease 26. Women couldn't attend universities 27. Had sculptures & stained glass recreations that showed biblical stories 28. 1st universities evolved 29. Strengthen ties with the middle class 30. The right it try clergy
31. Imposed royal law; made throne hereditary 32. Trade; economic ventures; national pride 33. Drive Muslim Turks out of the Holy Land 34. Launched crusade against the Jewish & Muslim 35. All knowledge must fit with church teaching 36. Peasants migrated into cities; populations declined ; crops rotting; famine