Remembering Ruth Chapter Two: Lessons in Kindness
Remembering Ruth Background Ruth and Naomi return to Bethlehem at beginning of the barley harvest 1:22 Law for harvesting made to care for the poor, including widows and orphans Lev 19:9-10, 23:22; Dt 24:19-22 Such kindness not always practiced Zech 7:8-12 Such kindness expected of the Christian Js 1:27; Mt 25:31ff
Remembering Ruth Kindness is an action 2:1-7 It is genuine love demonstrated by service 2:2-3, Gal 5:13 It is humility with work clothes on 2:7; Jn 13:5, 12-17; 1 Pet 5:5
Remembering Ruth Kindness will be noticed and appreciated 2:8-13 Ruth’s kindness was reported to Boaz 2:11-12; Actions demonstrate character and build reputation. Examples of Christians Dorcas Acts 9:36-39 Stephanas’ family 1 Cor 16:15-18 Epaphroditus Phil 2:25-30 Philemon Philmn 4-7 Gaius 3 Jn 5-8
Remembering Ruth Kindness begets more kindness 2:8-23 Nothing motivates to kindness better than kindness 2:10-12; 2 Cor 9:2; 8:1-6; 8:9; 9:15 What goes around comes around: Stay here 2:8 I will protect you from harm 2:9, 15, 16, 22 I will give you water and food while you work 2:9, 14 I will make sure that you are provided for 2:16, 17-20, 21, 23 See Eccl 11:1; Lk 6:38; 2 Cor 9:13-15; Acts 28:7-10; Rom 16:1-2
Remembering Ruth Kindness is an action- prompted by love, enabled by humility Kindness will be noticed and appreciated Kindness begets more kindness