Grammar Monday! 10/5
Grammar Monday Grammar Quiz Review Old Skills New Skill – Capital Letters Practice – ALL skills End Goal – Improve writing with new grammar and ROCK the ACT
Old Skills Identify: Wow, I thought that test was really hard.
Identify: Answers Wow, I thought that test was really hard. Wow- InterjectionWas - Verb I- PronounReally - Adverb Thought – VerbHard - Adj That – Adj Test - Noun
Fix this sentence Fix ONLY Mary ate brocoli for dinner, however; There was only brocoli in the refrigerater. (7)
Answers Mary ate brocoli for dinner, however; There was only brocoli in the refridgerater. (7) There was only broccoli in the refrigerator, therefore; Mary ate broccoli for dinner.
Capital Letters They aren’t just for angry texts anymore. 12 Rules
Rule 1 The first word of a sentence. Do you like ice cream? She said yes.
Rule 2 The pronoun “I” Last night I ate a bowl of ice cream. I think that is easy.
Rule 3 Proper Nouns Specific people Specific places Specific organizations Brands Golden Gate Bridge Chicago, Illinois Supreme Court Atlantic Ocean Mothers Against Drunk Driving Aunt Jenny
Rule 4 Names of specific deities, religious figures, and holy books God SPECIFICALLY God Greek gods Zeus Buddha Shiva Moses Bible
Rule 5 Titles that PRECEDE names, not titles that follow names I was able to interview Mayor Smith, I was able to interview Jenny Smith, mayor of Elmhurst.
Rule 6 Directions that are names Not compass directions, but rather sections of the country I want to move to the South. I hear the Northwest is beautiful. I live north of Amundsen.
Rule 7 Days of the week Months of the year Holidays Halloween October Friday winter (seasons that are used generally are not capitalized) Fall 1999 (specific one!)
Rule 8 Names of countries, nationalities, and specific languages Costa Rica Spanish French Greek English
Rule 9 First word in a direct quote Mary said, “Hey, you owe me ten dollars!”
Rule 10 Major words in the titles of books, articles, and songs UNLESS it is the first word Catcher in the Rye Pride and Prejudice Romeo and Juliet
Rule 11 Members of national, political, racial, social, civic, and athletic groups Amundsen Vikings Democrats Chinese Friends of the Wilderness African-Americans
Rule 12 Period and Events NOT century numbers Victorian Era Great Depression Constitutional Convention sixteenth century
Practice If it needs to be fixed, fix it. If not, write OK. 1.Coca-cola 2.labor day 3.Green Bay packers 4.Saterday 5.Monday
Answers 1. Coca-Cola 2. Labor Day 3. Green Bay Packers 4. Saturday 5. OK
Fix it renaissance era republicans Aunts and uncles Eugene Lee is a Doctor at the hospital potters for peace I Am The Messenger
Answers Renaissance Era Republicans aunts and uncles Eugene Lee is a doctor at the hospital Potters for Peace I am the Messenger
Fix this sentence Profesor Dixon said “The members of Friends Of The Orfans can leave class early. (6)
Answers Profesor Dixon said “the members of Friends Of The Orfans can leave class early. (7) Professor Dixon said, ‘The members of Friends of the Orphans can leave class early.”
Reflection Parts of Speech Semicolons Capital Letters Tricky Words Which of these are your strength? Why? Which do you need more help with? What kind of help will work?