2 Overview of presentation Education and the economy Education provision and contribution to accelerated and shared growth Special ASGI-SA projects
3 Education and the Economy Studies across the world and in South Africa indicate that increased levels of education support economic growth and reduce poverty and unemployment South Africa needs to accelerate access to quality education at all levels of the education and training system ECD, General Education, Further Education and Higher Education
4 Current provision School system12 million learners FET Colleges students Higher Education students
6 YearEnrolledWrotePassedHEE Grade 12 Enrolment, writing and passing
7 Early Childhood Development Goal to expand and improve early childhood care and education especially for most disadvantaged Gross enrolment is the main indicator
8 ECD(0 - 4 years): an integrated approach Interdepartmental committee established Facilitates provision of services for 0 -4 year olds National Integrated Plan developed Plan demarcates roles of different departments DoE responsible for programme content, teacher training and payment of stipends
9 Grade R Expand access to all five year olds by 2010 Improve quality through provision of training of teachers equipment food, nutrition and safe environments
10 General Education Universal enrolment from Grade 1 to Grade 9 Need to improve quality of teaching and learning The National Curriculum Statement aims to do this Need to accelerate initiatives aimed at improving quality provision: infrastructure, equipment and books, health, safety and teaching especially reading, writing and calculating.
11 WHAT IS THE NCS? Nationally set curriculum – Internationally benchmarked – Modern: 21 st Century skills – Focus on Africa and South Africa Grades R-9: 8 Learning Areas – Grounding for Grades Grades 10-12: 29 Subjects Introduction of NCS Grades 10-12: 2006–2008 All 29 subjects nationally examined in 2008 Exit with a National Senior Certificate
12 FET – Grades 10 –12 High levels of enrolment in Grade 10 and then reduction in Grade 11 numbers and again in Grade 12 Need to retain more learners in Grade 11 and 12 and improve quality of learning outcomes The National Curriculum sets the benchmarks Need to accelerate quality provision through infrastructure, equipment, books and high quality teaching
13 FET Colleges Huge increase in enrolment over the last five years Race and gender profile of learners has changed Need to accelerate enrolment and improve quality of programmes offered Re-capitalisation aims to spend R1,9 billion on infrastructure, equipment, lecturers and administrative systems to deliver new programmes that address the needs of the economy
14 Higher Education Current system has expended the numbers enrolled and substantially changed profile of students Plans in place to accelerate access and quality through Enrolment planning, Quality assurance reviews and NSFAS
15 ASGI-SA Special Projects 1 QIDS- UP Many of our schools do not have the basic requirements for provision of quality education Schools from poorest quintile will be selected to provide improved infrastructure, basic equipment, reading books and improved teaching and learning outcomes
16 ASGI-SA Special Project 2 Dinaledi Schools Goal is to accelerate higher grade maths and science passes in Grade 12 especially among African learners from in 2005 to in Dinaledi schools have been chosen to drive this initiative – the number will increase Additional resources and support for teacher and learners will be provided in 2006, 2007 and 2008
17 ASGI-SA Special Project 3 Re-capitalisation of FET Colleges Phase out outdated programmes over and introduce new programmes that meet the needs of the economy Accelerate access to these programmes through provision of modern infrastructure, IT, equipment and new funding formula
18 Priority Skills Programmes for SA Determine relevant skills / vocational programmes Determine sectors for programmes Determine modalities for offering programmes
19 Relevant vocational education 1 Good communication skills and problem solving skills Information technology Skills Translates into reading, wrting, calculating High levelsof reading writnbg and and IT = fundamentals
20 Relevant vocational education 2 13 sectors chosen according to priority skills needs and needs of ASGI-SA Five engineering Four business (finance, office admin, management, marketing) IT Agriculture Tourism and Hospitality Studies
21 Conclusion ASGI-SA dedicated skills initiative Sustainability depends on a global view Solid, quality foundations (General Education) Appropriate high level skills Vibrant HE sector to ensure knowledge production and new generation of teachers and oher professionals