Role of Primary Senco Trallwn Primary
Role of Primary Senco Main task ensure provision for the pupils with SEN is being delivered. How? 1.Manage Teaching Assistants effectively 2.Establish and monitor IEP’s 3.Identify, refer and liaise with outside agencies 4.Ensure partnership with parents 5.Through encouraging more multisensory learning with the staff as a whole 6.Evaluate practice
1. Manage Teaching Assistants Effectively Half termly meetings as a group Weekly planning meetings with my own teaching Assistants and this is encouraged throughout the school Comment sheets in IEP’s Training needs identified and courses booked Also in-school training delivered Questionnaires given out at end of year to both TAs and teachers, to plan for next year
2. Establish and monitor IEP’s Discuss with teachers, TAs, parents and pupils, targets for IEP’s Ensure comment sheet is filled in weekly Targets are SMART targets SEN workshop held half termly All people working with child to write in IEP including outside agencies Review meetings held every term
3. Identify, refer and liaise with outside agencies Identify and assess needs Refer to outside agencies working with parents at all stages Work with EWO when attendance is affecting learning Arrange time for TAs to meet Speech Therapists to go through programmes
4. Ensure partnership with parents Meet regularly with parents, Set up ‘Chatterbox’ to encourage parents to meet and find out about the school etc. Make the parents feel special Keep them informed of all developments with SEN an their child, tell them about good progress
Encouraging multisensory learning with the staff as a whole In –service training on multisensory teaching and how children learn Model lessons Behaviour strategies include changing learning styles
6. Evaluate practice Track pupils progress Update targets in IEP’s at reviews, are they moving back to SA? Get feedback from parents, pupils teachers etc Resources used effectively Report to Governors
SEN Development Plan Yearly plan – 3 targets outlined and each year previous targets evaluated Part of School Improvement Plan Person responsible for targets written down and time till completion specified