WHAT IS AN ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY A policy that limits the use of various internet websites in order to maintain the safety of students as well as prevent inappropriate use of computers.
WHAT IS INCLUDED IN A POLICY? Tells you what is/isn’t allowed Tells you who the computer belongs to What happens if you do not abide by the policy Includes your signature of Acceptance
WHY HAVE A POLICY To prevent inappropriate use Maintain security Protects the Employees and the business
LAWS GOVERNING INTERNET USE Copyright laws Child protection laws Privacy rights and safety National security
WORKPLACE POLICY a description of the instructional values and approaches to be sustained by Internet access in schools a code of ethical conduct governing behavior on the Internet a description of the consequences of violating the AUP a description of what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable use of the Internet a statement reminding users that Internet access and the use of computer networks is a privilege, not a right
POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES TO VIOLATING AN AUP First you get a warning Commonly the service is withdrawn Suspend the persons account Terminate the persons account Bring legal action to enjoin violations and/or to collect damages
THREATS OF THE INTERNET Viruses Inappropriate content Illegal Downloading
CONCLUSION Inappropriate use of computer is a violation of an AUP. Do not download anything. Being able to use a computer is a privilege, not a right. Be cautious while browsing the internet and follow all guidelines provided by the company, employee, or teacher.