Getting Started with NAF’s New Curriculum
Nine New Courses Available AOF: Business Economics Principles of Accounting Ethics in Business Financial Planning Business Economics AOIT: Systems Web Design Networking Systems AOHT: Hospitality Marketing Customer Service & Workplace Issues Hospitality Marketing
Six Piloted & Updated Courses Now Available AOF: Business Economics Principles of Accounting Ethics in Business Financial Planning AOIT: Systems Web Design Networking AOHT: Hospitality Marketing Customer Service & Workplace Issues
Five Characteristics of a NAF Graduate College Ready Career Oriented Effective Communicator Problem Solver Engaged Learner
Why Use the New NAF Courses? You get lots of detailed, engaging & useful material. National standard aligned & industry vetted. Supports the overall NAF model. Opportunities to be a NAF Curriculum Fellow to field test a course. You will be prepared when NAF creates student certificates (major coming attraction). You can benefit from new professional development and technical assistance.
Each Course Built on the Following Academy Assumptions Most NAF Academies have a 4-year course sequence. Assume that every course sequence begins with a “principles” course, which serves as a foundation for further study. The academy has an operational Advisory Board and offers internships to students. –Advisory Board members are willing to advise students on coursework.
Course Features Address National educational and industry standards. Teach key course themes while at the same time promoting broad curricular knowledge. Standard lesson structure: Objectives, Springboard, Activity Sequence, Closure. Instructional time for the courses assume 60 “class sessions” for instruction, 20 for project time (and 10 additional days). Complete detailed Unit and Lesson Plans, Teacher Resource Materials, and Student Materials.
Core Design Features of NAF Courses At least two projects per course. –Including one culminating project. Inquiry-based instructional practices that promote rigor & relevance. Strong focus on literacy with evidence of student learning written, oral, visual, or technological form.
And That’s Not All Ideas for curriculum integration. Extension activities. Assessment tools. Internship Toolkit Connections Involvement of Advisory Board Members Teacher Resource Guide Partnership for 21 st Century Skills that encouraging teamwork and communication skills
NAF Curriculum Fellows Curriculum Fellows Obtain: –Stipends upon completion of participation. –Two all expense paid regional meetings with other Curriculum Fellows to provide feedback on the courses. October in Denver January in New Orleans –Have selected work featured in a new NAF Curriculum Book to be published by the Pearson Foundation. –Eligibility to become NAF Curriculum Leaders or NAF Curriculum Ambassadors, Instructional Experts, Innovation Grant Contributors
NAF Curriculum Fellows In return, Curriculum Fellows: –Use the new course material. –Provide detailed feedback for improvements in the courses. –Share exemplars of student applications. –Agree to be videotaped using the new NAF courses. –Attend the 2009 NAF Institute in Phoenix and participate in several web conferences.
How The NAF Courses Can Be Accessed Both new and existing courses are on the NAF Curriculum Webpage. Teachers have the choice of using the new material or existing material for
The NAF Curriculum Webpage!
Curriculum Development Timeline AOF - Advanced Finance - Financial Services - Business Economics - Principles of Accounting - Ethics in Business -Financial Planning -- Entrepreneurship - Insurance -- Financial Reporting & Analysis -Business in a Global Economy --Principles of Finance AOIT - Principles of Information Technology - Digital Video and Digital Media - Systems - Web Design - Networking - Programming - Business Applications: Databases & Spreadsheets AOHT - Principles of Hospitality & Tourism - Geography & World Cultures - Hospitality Marketing - Customer Service -Sustainable Tourism -Event Planning
Future Plans A new cohort of NAF Curriculum Fellows to work test nine new courses. Creation of an initial group of NAF Curriculum Leaders who will provide technical assistance to teachers using the new NAF courses. Continued expansion of the NAF Collaborative Network. Pilot new Algebra course and integrated units for the Academy of Engineering Curriculum Initiate the creation of NAF student certificates.
Possible Components of a NAF Certificate Successful completion of 4 courses as evidenced by –End of course tests. –Cumulative portfolio of completed projects for several NAF courses. Successful completion of an internship.