By: David Shald, Lance Matosky, and Matthew Hurst
The CO2 Laser is to enrich the uranium. The enriched uranium is used to fill fuel rods. Then the rods are put into the reactor. They will be in there for 3 operational cycles. That is about 6 years.
This One
Store used material in Yucca Mountain Or out the Window!
In the U.S: 104 In Colorado: 0 Most of nuclear power plants are in the East Coast. But there are a few in southern California and southern Arizona.
One Kilogram of U-235 can produce 3 Million times the energy of a kilogram of coal This one reactor could power all of Boulder County Lafayette uses roughly 7 million KW/H A reactor can produce many MW/H (a thousand times a KW/H) One Uranium pellet, (size of a fingertip) can produce the equivalent energy of 150 gallons of oil
Nuclear energy produces a 400 th of the greenhouse gases in a coal plant
Little Pollution Miniscule CO2 Emissions 1,000 years worth of Uranium-Only 50 years of coal Only byproduct is water vapor. The only thing used is water (and uranium) Reliable Needs little Uranium; produces LOTS of energy Safe 10,000-50,000 people die from coal mining/lung problems and 0 Americans have died from Uranium mining
Radiation If all power came from nuclear power plants, Americans would only receive 2/10 of a millirem of radiation on top of the 200 millirems they receive annually Nuclear Waste Our only flaw! But Yucca Mountain can help us! Stays active for thousands of years Meltdowns!!!
Most Meltdowns don’t kill people Homer Simpson has survived many
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