Website plan - By Scott.R
Website Structure diagram news Home Survival guide My website
Home page design HomeSurvival guideNews This is our founder blah blah blah He wanted to help people Blah blah blah. Thats the purpose of this website Image
Home page purpose The purpose of the homepage is to show the reader the purpose of my website and show them the creator.
News page design HomeNewsSurvival guide image Text about image Updates to website
News page purpose The purpose of my news page is to inform the user of the updates to the website and things happening around the world about my topic.
Survival tips page HomeNewsSurvival guide Text on a survival tip Tip step Text on a survival tip Tip step Explaining how and where this would help
Survival guide page purpose The purpose of this page is to help people learn how to survive so when they are stuck into a survival situation this will help them.