ΟΘ Annual Chapter Report 2013
Located in Parker, CO 20 minutes south of Denver 1 of only 2 Medical Schools in Colorado Serves a population of more than 5 million Approximately 160 students per class Graduated first class May 2012
Third year as a chapter Current membership: ** student members 21 from Class of 2014 ** from Class of 2015 ** from Class of 2016 ** Applicant selection will take place on 9/15/13
Application Process Eligible candidates notified and applications released at end of July Applicants must return application by Sept 3 rd, 2013 Applicants notified of acceptance by Sept 15 th, 2013 Acceptance based on application scoring ▪ Scored anonymously by two separate members ▪ Points given for service, honors, etc. ▪ Top 66% of applicants are accepted
Application Eligibility Cumulative GPA above 80% Top 25% of class by GPA at the time of application Must have completed two semesters of course work Good academic standing and without any Honor Code violations Demonstrated service and community involvement
Applicants must provide: A listing of all service related activities, memberships, and honors A curriculum vitae One page personal statement expressing interest in SSP and why the applicant would be a good addition To Maintain membership all members must: Pass all clinical rotations Not incur any honor code violations Participate in at least two service events per year
Leadership Chair – Jon Vaux, OMS-IV Vice Chair – Chris Mutter, OMS-IV Secretary – Ashley Martin, OMS-IV Treasurer – Julia Cameron, OMS-IV Service & Event Coordinator – will hold election this fall Faculty Advisor – David Kanze, DO & Tom Mohr, DO
Financial Current balance: $1, ▪ Club funds generated from student fees distributed amongst all student clubs ▪ All club members must select SSP as one of their “funded clubs” for all semesters upon acceptance
Medical Volunteers at area events 9 Health Fairs Denver Rock n’ Roll marathon Project Cure Donor Alliance Registering students/community for the Colorado Donor registry
Academic Development “Mini Med School” Community outreach ▪ Area undergrads ▪ Open house at RVUCOM for potential students Tutoring ▪ Members encouraged to participate in COM peer tutoring Board and Subject exam preparation ▪ Guides for success ▪ Tutoring
Aimed at fostering a collegial environment within the COM Match day celebration Graduation mixer Linked fundraisers To be held at a location where a portion of the proceeds from that event will be donated toward charitable causes ▪ Selling koosies at graduation